Show II Tin inr iir tr IIKIH r ollo tail is < > > lire loOOOTnn > > I U llre al EA1149t Kf Islington Ky Oct IThe 110COO Trarwylvanla today which Attraclo1 tlui Attention of hoceemeii all over tile con Inont and In which It reemd a moral I certainty that IVtcr the I treat could not be hwten waa one of the greatest oupolHo ever wiltleid In Kentucky Ift for a terrible bailie In which r > rtuiw woo In Iftere favor up to the thlr1 hl which lie loet by a brook within IW anlf the wire filled Vincent won th Krmt etlke by rheer I luck and unexpected un-expected tioll < m The betting nn the Traneyiranla was notational Two if the largest pania I < ter KM on trolllnic race wer one need ort The first was Jut after the third boat when Klnarnnnd and Peter the treat trolte1 n heil nnlih Andy UeUh the well known bookmaker Wt Thorn U ttwn of Ibxton l < m to 1100 that Peter Would I not win After the fourth heat WIh 11 l Ijiwe i no era to llOOi again taking the arid I Ur lAweon foolosis were ooaeorvallv ly e llnul I d al 19000 BUty thousand dolkira wne In the piotl I on floor I race SummalM Ties Transylvania for 2n clam trot tine value tin coo Inrl Vlnrent b I a I t t t t I I Mngmon1 bK T1IT112 Peter the Omit In I I I 3 I I 1 1 Charley loss tin > 2 J 4 1 Tudor Chime h it t I I 1 I 2 1111I Ikl 14 m1 6 I C 1 to Burll oc a 4 4 7 5 4 = IkMw 11 h n 9 I Ie Farina Ill II m 6 7 Tidied out ltanced TI Witanced3041A It M i IIU W214 i 1 l t TWKW Y IMC to rill lioonlrco Ilan1 wan III straight hal Tim IIIIH 1 IlH 210 Hartford Jr ommot red Mino bird lllward B aim Hosted TWotwanO at n Clamon tmlllnn purl IIKWlhrOM won In atraluhl Forms Tirrive4116 I 9 1IH 2111 Joe Uatlrxtoond locurce Ale third 1114 Rllpaway lAdy 1C Com and Cuiad alI 1 oo al-I iiirttd |