Show 1 A NEW VALLUIC S Joe ltebrnr No a I to Jon 9 Ih 844 b a lr Jot Han bcnr hot morning notupl4 bj the caller I stand at hrh eicheige Ira i 9141 I Jonavo who lift 11014 I the xwltlon ot poorly IL rear having rallied 11 II is understood that Mr Jones doan do-an a od nil rae of III IL Illoollb In try which the exchanito 414 not see 1 GI 10 trrant and lie I therfro to I 10 1 om it + 14K = 4T4j0Wu 1Il1lIl1NNNNIIl1 signed lie Iou mad an excellent caller PralldelInth lortacers tu d is pi pular with a the I rokeri Mr lanlierger who rmerly held II no 1111 at Il I perfeclly qualified for Ih xll on being fan I list with every d tall I of Ih 4 work anl hit nperlenc I a broker on the noor being ot great 10 In him m NIN41 411tift Middlemen are lIdoln In mot an ollllon on IIant 31cintret0 rontrolllnll In forest In the Mammoth air MInI to I I paid to hurt tout ft ruo loan 1 1g 14 or 1110 sfikr 011 hie Ik The Autorm of Alaryvvnl ih hear rr rn In Do or x Ixlrot T4Nxw elwhith In Ire 1 levelopment I 1 work which will be pushed vigorously The Auction la I avery a-very promising lIVid property The deal tM ill nold nr the 11111 In dlan Renault has fallen through for the reason that the owners declined 1 to ON food the option ne owners Matters 1 Lonioiv leoan and them will noM ff no-M with the development 01 the I roperly then eelvea CoL lesson Trun In Iou coattail hI4 rep reanlatlv together In Han Krncleeo for oIIlIon nd one of the rRoulls II I III the mournpahot of Prentions ar bin at the 11 A K Pat at Decrees Un A oil as I him matter is > dlpoeil cf Col Truir m r wm = 1 Will return to ear Zko the IWn cram In rolltornl now being In I ex roIlml hAlO |