Show iJLDRENS DAY AT THE FAIR Little Folks Throng Building and Grounds In Regiments 10KI MlUim MULTITUDE toO Uti or Allard led br Its phnlld flat Ill how image hili nd lipagelobt IIII01 chitilmnol dy at the fair Today In I PrOm 10 m rraL TU fad it I very oI million the little folk Actium In the persona of T nsperoxwo tested 10 crowded through tcathrlk MMIII w fiTl1 It lot coro I ur p M pay that < lot the II 000 POM Jrt Ihlldn I of gait Italia there ww oohl nil of Ihem diffused on the I giounds n about 1 the bulldlnlf And 1 only 110 wh1looll Children but the Ionojo I or festoons and hosta of flMd nI Ntiv um unlll Island no In the olIn hulllln wo aIN 0 no groundo hln old even on am of ntlorrootlY Plate because 1 In real crowdo tit humnll which ot opmeentsuvo Im nunoltlJr In bd I all too joitering old I age It WAN lilt far y Owl IIIe far tell the moat Inn 1kenjeej teacher to krep their rMUieti thin foool1s thrymight Jim As well bu jw 10 orra 1 the itlee Nvery 1 Io rAlle amodI the ferI 01 tho millutull I in that aWllr hitting Vilolr 11 t hlllrMi Tliwe were un h i merry lull gifts Inn i Ing hait il I still the IrrepreeeltJe email M Illt t 1 sixth about and laughter V ajrjhutl hi a han towards enliven It 4 theM 11 r The Iliac e around which Ih Z children K II irvJ ere the vauJe 111 to ahoft and th Bhetlanl I lonlee Bui they I look a korn Inlereel In the ah < K > 1 10111 l ml lly IrKMW vlo litj 1 man imlili 1 They draw near the vki I n1 I noted upn them I m ully to rj I mictrifil ralulalli > na from vulTl could be more rreJItaUe to tits 14tal IlIon the motet excellent wok I 3 the Ihll or 1 hlld ma 1 T I I on if 11 to 10110 lot nol only i II > bin m1 l em liont l In I every tie i a e 1 lah at in In the front rank r do < OIl nil 1 4 nlcra n1 the mot of the Hlale that ant 0 rinlMled ehould ami no doubt M o manr a loot c f aba rbltut In ITMI It la I to In mtrelleil that Ihe nlnlrr lnlrrli that are ouch a Jorge hr I n t lane urellh ehmll I be e > i fanxrolly > rrrreenlrri but the llttl little i 1 n ohw I alea tin rlrhncw t I tan 1 that Ii Imlieilile In thloo mtt Th r11 exhibit le IHIrltlnK n r1l tint I lllllnl A II I n llosit IIIb hoINf apo 1100 moth tn line thai n nil n 1 Against It II hIt h-It n r Indl at too thlt our fruit 6taW scolood 1 10 one when II tins hd Ibe ail anlaar if volitional ionjl Does The horse 4 Viols la Imt ruv Ing I most remarkably In the face of all l the m Ivn a 4 Renlue that selling to be n > 1 nit him of his etttk I lit III la still 1 nour is hint and growIng grow-Ing low nnlnnl over V r No n r And lie eahin ed of the noble rep inventories ft the Ii rwa that are lit The fair M ill paraded In front of the grant atanl t ruiy afternoon they tlkl I walor no arty chorp and built f to Inlmll Th Imlrrr of the cow Cold hor kind will be amply remunerated I I I IoItTn the rtalta htv llnM CI < 11111 I nmlo are located I There le I r loon of the fair that has create1 4 move wl l ipr ad Interest or caused MIN recoils than the mttledbplay suarflne of romlumi i In Ibo iftiartotrot Is Ile Vollowo 11 ottriolml I brA trotting or pac Irg btllwn I year old anti under Z I holies O llumm occond K I X I Nbkr Crooner tiost at111ol fill ono at his Ct IL M Harm Atc mal in pu bred clillut 01 drift hor > ct Ir 10011 In clyloo oil I hr I still tnlIh todre awa irt Is follows Unl > ollll o 4 Yaros old and om U L I Utornnn AtotJordan Belo 6111WR nith one ot his nt W L listenous QlUbl DltAIT IIOltSLD Wool > u I lion 4 years oM and over II H llarnun Mill lrm k leoond U II I I lit b SoAllion S > Mrs old and under I Jo4 f too 111voltal iconj ulIi on I o i11 1 1 ami S old > tara 1I 1 I r 11411om l Vast Mill Creek tit 3 Years old and VW T ne ulpir Stronger wd tnd a nlYII II t ftII Uoi I Years Jacob l Slyem 1 11st I lelillnr 3 Your old and over n too rI 111 > mn 0 Hprlnnvllle It lien m A to iffuIeV 1r < M to II I lldfmln Mill Co llOIISttf roil ALL I Ultt081 t 11t 1112111on J 10 3 Years old ChI roi rp nil to fly ReConol WIIIIO Flack FIrflld 1 II ai mare 3 Jean oil and over J It 110 let 11ft Ily 2 I YeIrm J II Winter lo 1oll Wllilom IlieSl 11 Steel 11011ne 1jV ri and over H JIM 114mal 610 llenry 8uiau1 Wllld M fAmV I lib ono el br colts J II r rBIGVING wiiMNo nonBrs iTO 11 < It Im In 10 exhlbltel 10 bar Vo ilia lCuHdft1Cjinr 1 11140 J mallburyi o 3 UYI opecia I 011110100 lloolotly < I IIt ran 10 saddle horse J II White 16rt1171 il lr ralae1 In Utah Mode Ilonufacturlog cumpanyla pi wt 111 11 Johnson II alllnn HIkn cold I 044 ord I IIIlu W II Inon CONSOLVTION 1IIZIS t Itarol4rd bred claaa inArve l on tolturt of lint I oJ n bleing egin I first pr nlulII 1m lInnlon Toy roll II nd A J So Down Cox allIn t qtj WolI lIy b Win St111IN i b1 Im HIXvileIr I Iwo mile avlg IrYlkn J 1 nt7 to o P11111 or olllllar record ds lit Ill Uds 111114ed I unon Wn I hJ Ma 1 oly which have not Wool 1 Ihlly bn Iuhlld bro t at trtjjAg 1IIIn otAnd llorn o 4 earn Id and over II M I Illy Years or under standard trot 1 fro r lj II prAjIA John V OI IImlam 1 to at Crrjagg team ratmeoii I 1t Ittlin Hxu1bakrr ope141 I premium IS rAlTLIJ AWAnpalINIall D yoxrily pill I onoon tho judRes 1 UI hf Jersey Cmt The L iJ in n > f it a I l I I lly ra old andover R k fArnL It I I ur Or aft John II winder lov 14116 I Wets farm 1 11 14 r rs J4 Anil over ItIver W i Irr 1 md Iromlulft J it awl ItOck 3 farm Ysrs and under 3 IUr Itlter I year still unlrr So Itlvcrald ll k arm 11 Ir John It winder U 11derIn V lhn bull not four fInAl WHItk gold medal and SAO Hirer stdo txk rm IIHI hord of ten Jersey cowl cold in John II Winder 21at the cattle have I been Indeed I III HltJM TO WOOl nilOWimH Th pmrlnlC 01 the Pholep occupied nearly all Ih e afternoon Tt e teat I ut 11 each wn wan field Awl the Judges l Theodore MrKean Itanlel H llavldion nil J II Klrkpatrlck the last a Visitor from California recommended the following fol-lowing awards iiuuioui irrr itimsoin lint buck 9 year or ever W fl lInn of Culllniton aecoml McCune 11 and Co lleet buck nJ tear li McMune Jlead A Co Several rH Hanson lint buck limb W H lInn aec ond I J II Kef ly of Ml leaeant lint two ewe I years oil or over Vt K llaieen woonil J II Meet lint n A 7 tr over v H No NoSealy Hanson second J ll Heely lint two ewe Iambi W H Ilanitn aemnd J H Only lleit Hock W H IlanMii iccond J II 8erly 8erlyHlllNCIt HlllNCIt MlllllSOg W R lInn ecornl tint and voc and pmlum on evvirythtfiC In the Krench merino eluee there belnx no other competition CO8TXOU8 Ileat buck 1 years Old and over J It Allen A llroa nf Draiwri second U 11 Illleon of lAyton lint buck I year 011 Mien llroa lest buck lamb Allen llroa lleit two nee 2 Years old or Over Mien llroa lint two own 111Mnold Allen Ilroe neeonl Iiri Illlleon lint two ewe Iambi I Alltn llroi I trend n IL nllloo lint flock Allen Bros CROPS OIlADOI lint crops between one wool luck awl l Ipnjr wool ewe lleber Ilennlon lint prow tn > lm n Ionic wool buck and fine weld 1 ewe llebtr Met nlon HUIM MMiiiuiia Beat healer white bMr and low lleber Donation Ileat herd swine lltber llennlon test IIokhl NOW Overland Ickle iknrlan Chin low Ooveland Stickle company Affrilnr1 Award The farm products Which occupy the mouth wIne of the main bulldlrur re relied III quota of vliltore yesterday and today The awards were Inside as follow lint bushel of any variety of Palo tonThometa tins Ifl llountlful llural few Yorkers Vhlle halneil Northern Kiy 19 Urine llountltul l r = III k in llnioka Heedllnt Butter Jrlch M llilmee Union rirk White Miller eerleee I Jamee Hinmr llaat Mill Crook Manhattan Ash last Abram Malr lain I Lily arty Itoee A It Italy t = Hell Lake Olio J A Stealth Halt l ke llurbank Katlr Iurllan V6 ll tI II rII 11 IJI Ham D Inwrll Halt idke Irfrly Hll Wk IIIUI lines nne dozen lanK red tx I Brings Bountiful lleet lie toaon mnnile Vunl becti J II WInder Hell lA 6 Ileat i no loaen sugar beele Utah IIlInr 0MIn 1101 Items one don Ions red carroti Utah CUKar com puny Uhl I toot one dozen while Carroll Utah Uuiraf C4I mpany 1101 lleA in ten rmrinli e Thomaa UnlJiuiHi llxintlfil 1 lint I alt bushel II yellow onlone I Altara Malr 11 lain Lily Ileat hall uhtl 11 red onloneLph mini llrlusti llounllrul lint tie bushel of bite onlone C G I orttr Morcan loot I uahcl of early lurnlroIph rains UrlHi Bountiful lint bushel of late lunlpoh ralm 1 Ilrlim Bountiful lint dial lay cabbaKea any variety C II Shorter llorun Ducceealon Hot lenders M lirlni Itountlfui red Savoy Ik 11 display of caullfloweriC O Porter Morgan lint Alirat rhubarbR Briggs Bodlitifut lint d6plity ot Ittut 1Ir11110 llounllful Best liipliy cf aollhoIJ Iirlno llounllful Boot display peppers n Iirlcn Bountiful Pont display cucumuerell Brings llounllful Ikt display wntermelona Briggs Ik > n tlful Heal Hat Iny of early luuhl UrlKKa llounllful Ileal IllfUx of late I aiUaahMllIam D Io wall Hall iJike lost display of pumpklna llrlnga llnililllul lleet display of vegetable marrow H Ilrlfxe llounllful float illil lay of llubbard wluoahA I Doty Halt Lake I Ileal display of ere planteAliram Malr Plain Lily lint display of IoryI Iirlnt lullllllrul WhY vrlIY ot green or string tMdna HMk JaiiealClnir ijiat Mlii un un lest bushel opring vibentChits AMt A-Mt r Centerville 111 bushel fall wlicatC lllnnell ornnaref lint club barley II Rmmnl limit port Hot half bushel while cornThoa WdOI Ihiuntlful Ural halt bual el popcorn Henry Darker Nnrlh On Joel hU I bushel meet cornllobcrt Graham Taylonullle Heat Huh potent Hour Salt lAke Mill nail inevalor I company Ileat train lit grade llourll Knud on lol16t nrhm nour10n lIl1lnc unit 1lnolo company Joint tl lot leaves hllo bread Mrs C V MeAllistim city lint loot l graham bread Hobert Iraham T ylorirllle Tatloravillo lint eihlllt moli laaee Cruulee A Strortiper ntenllle lint display of farm and garden priKlucti wHlakI llrlm llmintlful I Ileat green beam and peamr Urine Bountiful Meat h < iracradlJh c a Porter Morn Mor-n n 111 dlapuy 10mIW n fowell city nlYI tot alfnlf and llmorthy aecd Chattoor A Hlrrpor Itnt kh I cabi e2tr II city U I t lurnlp boett11 ItOnsnil Hock port Heat ihelled WAX beam Ilobert 010 MANU1 AHTUIU1D MITICI1W Thl exhibit U holding Its own al one of the content of IntereaL oWn awards were its follow lint net n f light draft harneee Blude baker WROn oolllln lint heavy Iran harneee HIiKleWker Walton company Heat MO pounds sugar Utah Sugar company 1101 Heal exhibit Kt Utah table hall Inland In-land Crystal Halt company Halt I t Heat port of unite boiler bare Civil llroa Rail tAke limit polity not llp lay of Iron coal Inia Croft I rim Z Halt lAke Arafat anil tint exhibit of canned fruits all vatlellee Hall 1 link Valley Canning company Udden ten flral prison for As many varlellea The first plot of judge unil 1 not reach a decisions aa lo the relative nierlle of the various coolly eihlllla aallefactory in the portion concerned and a fpeclal ceinmltlee I remodeling of tt II Sooner J Z J II Helltuae anti I John L fuller I was ail n01 to mk the wad Thy awmrdll the prize for the boot exhibit of candles mode from Utah Puprar 10 the J II McDonald I andy Company Halt Italia and that for the tint general I die of to Unite Kollti Hay confectionery = Hall r Slake d in addition recomrrien ol that a dliloma be awarded W H Hetvle fee his dlOl1o The display of Utah milk pmve < I to W a great attraction 11 many of the vllt ore from the termini districts qulle a number of whom declared 1 their 10 1 lon lion of waiting Ii eerlcultun In the near future A nmcllval display of rpollog milk from the exprocane woo hn or Mlae Ronnie Packard I it Hprlni i vllle Special prison were alao awarded to milk ethll llora tie follow Heel display of ha ml mode lace I of Utah milk Note 1 Ueunll Seat display ot teitlle allk Jol rf Lyle Heat llai lay of reel allk not leee than three pounds MINE Sophie lacl nl HpriKMIIe aeoonl Mlaeundell Will lant Heel Itocklnit of Utah allk Mm 1 Al liarber trffarx Heat display embroidery milk Sir 1 Cattle Poll TAke Heat dleplay knltttnf allk Sir Onion fall Ijik He lAktiny fl yards Utah silk Mre 1 Calms Halt lAke float thirty yards Utah silk lira 1 Liilne Omit Stake Heat tour yarda lare I mail le ef Utah took SIM 1 11 M Mural I Hprlnivllle l 1I1 Heat all mail le from Utah aflk Ire rolne Halt I < eke lint firm pounds of allotment Mr 1 Ha roh MUIama lArgt display nf reeled milk Mite lurliu Uarner UIIIM IU1 eahlt ot I Uh Alk including cornnna rephd milk anti manufactured Utah silk Mta Calne Salt looks Ueh V new feature of the Exhibit I Ii a ilia play or thirty yard cf milk manufec lured In the national color It Ii I It e work If a number of Ht George women eerkulturUta mFII AND 1IONIIY The Judges In this department hid but I twit collection m IMM upon The award were ae follows Heel general dliplay I nf honey and I lr Jnn i apiarian aupt lie J II ltck A Room Hen too pounds honey comb Ioreey Ilou k Heal oomple cf honey J H Hack A films Heal I display of lieeiwal in pound or over J II Haik A Hone Heat 100 rounds extracted honey J II Hack A lion Ileat exhibit of bee In aervallon hives I reey A llouek Tno exhibits that have not 11n men tl ne < l ae yet are than ot Uy le Ulrea and A U Lover the newepeper arllata 1 the display being excellent ton pictures of Major It U Young atilt the late President > llford Woodruff Tits former form-er plot drawn by Clyde Hiulrea fill CIALIIOHTICUITUIIM PRIZES This exhibit woo rendered more attractive at-tractive hy I the lltlon of a dozen of varletlee of choice at pita belonging toO to-O W Earner of MOOD The apeclaJ print are 01 follows lint MItlon of fruits jellies anti JIIKml jams C B Hwlftl aecond Mrs V LMIII Heat ill 1olay ntty pound nes 11 less rolln P St Judd loot dlaplay IM pound evaporalnl patches J a Uullln |