Show IMPROVEMENT IS SHARP Will Strait Hirktl Shewt Mirltd Increase cf Strength PrIcio 1 AdtlorMouior I 1ler Live ok oil Prodo list Ross 1111 I < ek York Oct 1110 abnce > urdis 1 lurbno In foreign alork markets that morning prompted a4i advance I In Idoes hr Tho general 1 Ion was much Im I pooled Heavy taking of American to Ixcco 1 llfled III Col llnenUI tobacco lymiwthlMd to the coastal ot IS I The demand In ll h general Hit was diver Rallied and social Improvement were numerou It the more active groups the bi sales 1 w we mad by Nw York Central Manhattan Tennei mot unit suitor New Delete of strength devel talent which crcleed a sustaining et fet on the market Im rovement In th auto I refuted from a large I fractl to IH In Uekawanno Colorado Fuel forged to the front wllh a rim 1 of Hi there wo a oprinklinst of good gajna In the minor proivrtl The gain In Rdrr = 7tIm th atandard alucka were usually limit cJ to fractions Tit Volumes tbuilneM i small In spite of the strength of the market Thom was a moderate In qulry for the active bond abaih debenture rose I point BUUAU New Turk Oct ISue raw weak refined weak MOSKV AND UOVDS ter York f > ct CMoney on call 1 ealer 1 at 41 II I lr cent ITIm met mule paper 14 0 I lr rent getting mcluougs nrm wllh actual business In Unkera bill al 4 IH e M for dcnan I and at 4 iW 9 41 for to Viya poeleil rates 411 U unit 4 IIH B 17 Commercial bill 4M 0 H Silver irllflcile M e H lUr 1 lvr IH ITI Mexican dollars I 47 I meet Iwnd color i 0 Fee 1011 ta ran 1 07H lo roution 1 MV4 now 4a POP 1 IM do Coupon 11910 olil 41 rest 11 do coupon 111 go its 1lIi couroll 1lIt IIIIAIIII PIARRIMAX 1IVI HTOCK Chicago Oct lloga ncdpti II MO tomorrow 11000 let ier 4N1 Malkel steady Massif aria I butchers 4 = 4 n goo1 heavy 4NU470 rough heavy 4 I04tl n 11 I ghl 4 1004 w Caul IlKelitaXtw Mark iltady lleeve 4444436 new anl heUtri 1711 OtJO I Tnaa uteri 9 1411 99 locker nth feeder 9 004JI U Hheelleoelpla WOO Market weak I1ODIICU Chicago net December wheat Pid at 7IUV anti lecllneil to 7146 6104may opentd at T4111111146 fell lo Tit CIWhln 71HOH May nkl CornfVt 311 Dec 90UaU OalOot 99S 1 > 0 < 30fil 1 lorkOct lit Dec I IN lUbeOcL rd4te L11 00714 late IM Litif 7U hWlealN > re1 till 1 Nn 9 7IO i No 9 hard winter M No J larl winter 068 No I northern prior 79 No t northern spring 719 79 2til pilnir 61071 CornNo I IIU No X slid OateN 21 Mil No J low IIr1T llarlyU Tl nothy 117 IlaxLIL AMU CITY Laval HTIM II Kanrna city Oct 1Cnlllnlol al 000 nallvei and > ON legend Maiket lltady Native il tlro I 4141091111 Tnal lleera 311qllf116 Texas vision I H4tl 70 nJhI UclU i native cow an I I elfen I 7M4 M sokers and feeder 11041100 bula I UOI W IlogiHecvlpli two Mk steady lo ctrong llu k of sales 4 IM4 < 0 heavy 4 XK7I U I acker 4 0l U i ralmooll l 4 9411 49 light 4 4S04 Ml 1 york 114 IIIN cr > i WO4 M pig 4 1001 JUj Hlen Reoelpll 9000 Market I steady TA1111 b r 9 Io4 > l 10 inulton90 ei W UlAII 91r Turll Omah Oft 11vattlelbigaitipts I GOO Market alra ly Native toot states 16 O110 western often 49104 to Texas street a 11011 town and last to 1100100 can 2U03211 Iock ore arid feeder 3 WO 175 calve 1 WO f 0 bull stage etc JKKH7J ilogltecollits 1710 Market abode t le higher Heavy 4 SMI 44 mlrM r SM 44 rh Hull 4 1794 tI Mg 4000 4 40 bulk ot Palm 4 IMFl IS HhmpIlecelita INO Market itea ly In strong Yourlinaf BUIPthop wto lIIulIn 1 11011110 Ik 34011 375 Iaiub4 4 0004 U llYoNYoU IMP TICC 1 nonyor Colo Oct dCntIIoIIr I relpla 1000 Market active Aria Mrollf nr stints i1elso Colt UiUJ Q0oqHda 1 I Alftlh uinsuuutnrutrunuinnnnAn uuti tI t I hI Id I rive 11Op Lf 460 a hr too I < < of poIllo crier I 11 41600 bull state to 2001111160Iw Ilooftelpla 00 Markl Io Iw I rr 1lohl asm 4NAII4 40 sailsed 4 400 4 41a hinall 4 OY445 Isherpiteaceipts 1 Market Und a U-nd family R41M FnANIIcn mfAltlirr Pat Francisco Or 4Wbomt 11 1 1 boat iIN ilay 1 11s elOh 101 Noth doing In barley I Col flat ley wili i |