Show COm m p pIete I ete Ticket Sale Plans r Grid Tilt Boosters Go Ahead Special to The Telegram PROVO April 21 At 21 At a standstill standstill standstill stand stand- standi i still so far Mr as active promotion of the Brigham Young university university- University of Utah spring football game for Red Cross benefit Is concerned Provo backers of the tilt Tuesday were completing plans for the ticket sale drive In response to a request from the B BYU Y U athletic council the telegram to Big Seven faculty representatives was not sent Monday Monday Monday Mon Mon- day but will be immediately forwarded forwarded forwarded for for- warded upon official acceptance of the game by the co councils of the two schools The wire will request favorable action by the conference leaders Support Move Among those who have already agreed to sign the wire are Maurice Maurice Maurice Mau Mau- rice Harding mayor of Prof 0 Clarence A. A Grant Utah county civilian defense chairman Dr J. J C. C Moffitt superintendent of Provo Provo Provo Pro Pro- vo schools Mrs Margaret Eastmond Eastmond Eastmond East- East mond executive secretary of the local Red Cross J. J V Y American Legion official and Clayton Jenkins secretary of the Provo chamber of commerce Members of the junior chamber of commerce leaders in the movement movement movement move move- ment to bring the game to Provo will meet with the university athletic athletic athletic ath ath- letic council to get their official vote Meanwhile added impetus to the game has been given in Provo which causes game boosters to feel even more certain that the I game will be a tremendous financial financial financial finan finan- cial success Junior chamber of commerce members have pledged themselves to aid in the giant ticket-selling ticket campaign Other civic organizations organizations organizations of Provo have also pledged their aid Sales Idea One ticket-selling ticket idea that is catching the fancy of the local business men calls for retail merchants merchants merchants mer mer- chants to personally purchase a abig abig abig big block of tickets for resale in lii their stores Many merchants contacted contacted contacted con con- have already promised to participate It is difficult to see how the game would fail to draw a large crowd Counting just students just and faculty of the two schools who undoubtedly will attend enough money could be taken in to make the game a financial success Then figuring Mr and Mrs Gus Q Phan of both Provo and Salt Lake City who at least in Provo are going overboard on the tilt it is not difficult to conceive of ofa ofa ofa a packed stadium |