Show JUDGES JUDGE'S LEAVE DATE CHANGED Pay Question Causes Shifting of Time Leave of absence of former City Judge Frank E E. Moss who left the bench to enter the army as a lieutenant Tuesday was changed by city commissioners to date from March 4 the day he entered the army Previously his leave was dated from April 1 The date was changed when City Auditor L. L E. E Holley refused to pay Judge Moss for March because he believed he would be liable on his official bond An opinion from City Attorney I E. E Ray Christensen held it was illegal to pay the judge at the same time he was drawing army pay The Utah constitution he said forbids persons holding federal offices offices offices of of- from being employed by the state and a federal statute forbids forbids forbids for for- bids army officers on the active list from holding civil offices Pay for Judge Moss was authorized authorized au au- au up to March 4 |