Show Willkie s i ies Job o Will Pay Pay- Big i Salary By PAUL HARRISON HOLLYWOOD NEA That's That's a pretty fair spot i in which Wendell Wendell Wendell Wen Wen- dell Willkie finds himself himself chair chair chairman man of the board of Century- Century Fox His election may encourage many young Americans in the notion that even if they dont don't getto get getto getto to be president of the United States they at least may become movie executives and earn much muc h more money Last year Fox Fo made a profit prof prof- it of and the officers I and directors got in sal sal- aries In 1940 when the company company company com com- pany reported a consolidated net loss of Chairman of the Board Beard Joseph M. M Schenck was paid Willkie's total remuneration remuneration remuneration re re- as board chairman is not fixed but it undoubtedly will exceed the hed he'd be getting getting getting get get- ting in the White House ouse now The war is getting int into all modern modern modern mod mod- ern movies so most of the ac Re actresses actresses tresses will be shown in a few scenes wearing uniforms of war wa r service organizations Dialog will willbe willbe 1 be made to convey suggestions o of f uncertainty about the future heroes heroes he he- heroes roes will have lines indicating that they're about to enlist Another matter of policy involves involves involves in in- screen treatment of German German German Ger Ger- man and Japanese bosses It has ha s been decided that too many pic pie pictures pictures tures have been kidding Hitler r and Hirohito instead of showing them as sinister heavies Its It's still stil l la okay to represent Mussolini as a comedy jerk jerl |