Show SOFTBALL TEAMS RESUME TOURNEY 1 t Tilts ts Slated at Two Parks Friday Night as Sixteen I ii Tens Vie for State Honors I teams survivors of ot round first play lay in in the state soft soft- t- t n I will line up again agam Friday night with four games I ral hr park and four at White park 1 r st colorful squad d in It J Lv the T Tremonton rem 0 n ton the ie Ms t and ey are bound to be a big bigon bigi i Friday y night Their ion on wear weal ar rodeo regalia shoot pw and clown cloW f from om the time v. v like e the e field until the game gamet t take The Ranchers Ranchers' will see If ride 1 M y n If Friday 30 ame IJ 4 e r the l. ands t F e ex- ex p pul I last s t li Jn I t ey 1 the Silver of i C team t Price la III 0 r e Adding I Jor to the the play- play t uj us have named caned themselves after characters from dory story books and nd current events Mussolini star outfielder for the Ranchers calls his shots when he decides decider to make a bingle Saturday Saturday Satur- Satur day he e put I a lantern on the home plate so th tie the opposing pitcher could see to throw the ball and andI pointing to the left field I then lIen fence cracked out a triple i linger Dinger pitching for the Cowboys will ill 11 oppose either Les Lesi i or O Steve on the ther r id d Friday Both Cannon and have done some excellent excellent excellent excel excel- lent mound work for the Packers Packers Pack Pack- ers during the current season and Cudahy is the only te team m from the local league to win a aberth aberth aberth berth in the state meet by virtue of their pitching Fridays Friday's schedule at White park 6 p. p m. m Associated m. Oil vs Gemmell Club of Bingham p. p m. m Lang sm-Lang Lang VI vs Levens Leven's of Provo p. p m. m m. m. vs Mid- Mid vale 9 30 p. p m. m m. vs Associated Oil of Ogden Fridays Friday's schedule at City park 6 30 p. p m. m Reddy Kilowatt of Ogden vs Brewer Tire p. p m. m Exchange m.-Exchange Exchange Club vs Cozy of Park City p. p m. m Allen m.-Allen Allen Oil vs U-I U Sugar of Spanish Fork p. p m. m m.-Cudahy m. Cudahy vs Tremonton Tremon Tremon- i ton Ranch Hands Exchange Club which won the city championship last w week ek Associated Associated Associated As As- Oil and Lang should be bethe bethe bethe the leading local contenders for forthe forthe forthe the state title All three squads I have figured high in league play and seem to be in top form for the tourney The Exchangers will play Cozy of of Park City at City park and are given a good chance to win with Ray Ortez chucking and such hard hitters as Earl Owen and David Chub Smith on the firing line |