Show JAPAN TO JUNK EUROPEAN TIES TOKYO Aug 25 UP UP Japan has decided to abandon h her r European European European Euro Euro- foreign policy polley as a result of the new soviet soviet German German pact Kozo Ota cabinet secretary announced today The ann announcement said that a meeting of the cabinet agreed to jettison the policy previously being beIng be be- being ing prepared in regard to Europe where Japan has cooperated under the anticommunist alliance with Italy and Germany In the future the announcement said Japan will pursue an Independent independent inde Inde- p pendent foreign policy based on the governments government's moral views without regard for the International International International situation The government was understood to have taken the attitude that Germany violated the anticommunist alliance by concluding the pact with Russia The Domel news agency said that the government had Instructed Its ambassador at Berlin BerUn to protest to Germany against conclusion of the Russian German-Russian pact The agency said the cabinet was considering formal denunciation of the anticommunist alliance First indication that Germany might try to soften the blow given iven Japan by the soviet-German soviet pact was disclosed in connection with witha a report from the Japanese ambassador ambassador am am- at Berlin After an Interview with nazi Foreign Minister Joachim von RIb RIb- bentrop reported that Germany desired desired desIred de de- sired to continue friendly relations with Japan but that a fundamental fundamental fundamental funda funda- mental review should be made of relations with a view to strengthening strengthening strengthening strength strength- ening the pact The ambassadors ambassador's report said that in event Japan desires to adjust adjust ad ad- just relations with Moscow the Soviets were ready to negotiate after which Japanese German-Japanese rela rela- i could be strengthened There were numerous conferences conferences conferences confer confer- among Japanese national leaders including cabinet and non non- cabinet members on the serious situation for tor Japan precipitated by the Russian German-Russian pact A dispatch to the newspaper Yo- Yo from London reported that the British ambassador here had been instructed to ascertain the feasibility of opening negotiations with Japan on the entire Chinese situation Dispatches from China Indicated improvement in Japanese British Japanese relations at and |