Show f IYo How Roland I Was 1 us Created After Ariel Last Lust World War r o so 51 loo L LAz A 1 V vI J A As I MILES s I Ba i LITHUANIA MEMEL Se r I FROM t W y EAST M PRUSSIA G v YZ FROM vj RUSSIA 20 9 WARSAW P p ppL L Ii A A N D tj LUBLIN 4 FROM I GERMANY v zo 1919 l LW W RAKOW FROM ti HUNGARY AUSTRIA 20 1919 FROM CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1938 LIRA T BRATISLAVA P D BUDAPEST H V N G A R y RUMANIA MAP SHOWS CONTRIBUTIONS MADE 1 BY OTHER POWERS TO NATION Most of modern Poland was taken from Austria Hungary Austria Russia and Germany in treaty of Versailles one small strip came from Slovakia ha-Slovakia Polish Polis It Nation Faces Threat of Partition For Fourth Time TillIe Since Creation in By Associated Press Kor or the fourth time since the tenth century when she emerged as a nation torn from the flank of the tottering Moravian empire empire em em- pire Poland today faced the threat of a partition The free city of Danzig Js a sore point between Germany and Poland but it is only a symbol of the friction Poland nearly a thousand years ago ngo was much much larger larger than today but jut the trouble is Js that the new Poland creat created d by the treaty of Versailles in 1919 contains what formerly was part of Germany Adolf Hitler wants back all of former Germany Poland today is a composite Two thirds of the land was taken taken tak tak- en lr from m old Russia and nearly third one-third from Germany and the former Austria A small slice came from CzechoSlovakia Czechoslovakia Czecho Czecho- slovakia in last years year's partition of that country In order to give Pot Poland nd access to the Baltic sea a bl block ck o of f German German German Ger Ger- man land mainly the former pr provinces vinces of Posen and nia were Included with Danzig as a p port rt Germans gained control control con con- of Danzig and the Uie Poles built near by the new seaport of Gdynia Friction over that and the German demand for lor re return return return re- re turn of former German territory constantly envenomed the two neighbors Germany was split In to two by this Polish Polish corridor to the Bal Bal Bal- tic Eventually Hitler pressed for lor a settlement Polands Poland's history as a kingdom began in under under the the reign of whose great great-great grandfather had wrested its beginnings be be- ginnings ginnings-a innings innings-a a province extending from the Carpathian mountains to the Bug river river from from the fallIng fallIng fall fall- Ing Ins Moravian empire She gradually grew at one onetime onetime onetime time extending over part of what is now western Russia and the Russian Ukraine as far south as what formerly was CzechoSlovakia Czechoslovakia Czecho Czecho- slovakia and as far north as what is now Latvia on the Baltic and with a western frontier approximately approximately ap ap- ap proximately the same as her present border She disappeared as an independent Independent independent inde Inde- pendent state under treaties concluded con con- eluded in 1795 1195 partitioning her between Russia Prussia and Aus tria Not until 1919 did she again appear as a nation carved into the world maps by the Versailles treaty A chronological history follows follows follows fol fol- lows Poland Poland organized February 17 11 1772 Russia 1772 Russia Prussia and Austria sign first partition treaty stripping Poland of one one fourth fourth of her territory S 23 1793 In 1793 In second par Prussia and Russia cut Poland to third one-third of original size with population March 1794 1794 be becomes becomes becomes be- be comes Polish dictator recovers lost lands 1795 Nation 1795 Nation obliterated by final partition between Russia Prussia and Austria 1807 1801 Napoleon establishes duchy of Warsaw 1813 Resurgence 1813 Resurgence of ot Napoleons Napoleons Napoleon's Napoleons Napoleon's Napo Napo- leons leon's foes obliterates the duchy June 3 1918 1918 Allied Allied governments governments governments govern govern- ments back independent united Poland October 15 1918 Free 1918 Free and reunited Polish state an an- November 3 1918 Cabinet 1918 Cabinet proclaims Polish republic November 12 1018 Joseph 1918 Joseph becomes government head June 28 1919 Treaty 1919 Treaty of Versailles Versailles Ver Ver- sailles gives Poland larger part of Poznan Posen and part of West Prussia Danzig made free city elty under protection of League of Nations and within Polish customs customs cus cus- toms system 1920 23 22 Frontier lems settled and Polish borders finally defined I January 26 26 1934 Germany 1934 Germany and Poland sign year 10 non non- aggression pact May 5 5 1934 Russian 1934 Russian Polish treaty extended to 1045 1995 March 31 1939 Franco France France and Great Britain pledge aid to Poland Poland Po Po- land if she considers her independence independence inde inde- threatened and resists |