Show IM INSTITUTE PLAN Q Final approval of the program fo for the law institute being conducted conducted conducted con con- ducted at Fish lake Saturday and Sunday by bythe the Utah State Bar was given at a meeting of the board of commissioners at the capitol Friday The institute will get under way way war at 3 3 p. p m m. Saturday Saturday- with E. E J. J Skeen of Salt Lake Lake- City special special- deputy attorney general assigned to the state engineers engineer's office discussing discussing dis dis- disI I cussing recent developments in water ater laws laws A. A LeRoy B B. Young of Ogden president president T dent of ot the state bar will report 2 on the convention of the Amerlan Amen Ameri- JJ can cian an Bar association held at San 3 Francisco Lewis Larson Laron ManU Manti attorney at- at J If torney will speak during a dinner 5 e program in the evening J Henry E E. Beal of Richfield chairman chairman chair chair- 5 man Fred W W. Keller of Price and U Sam Cline of Milford comprised the committee on arrangements II for the institute S |