Show t. t V HOPES TO UPSET AGGIS s Farmers in Favored Role Provo Expects Fans J For Homecoming Program By BILL DILL McCREA A courageous band of Cougars one Cougars one of the most formidable to o represent B. B Y U. U in many years years years-is is primed to kick over the dope bucket Saturday in the Y bowl and defeat the conference co champions from Utah State before an expected homecoming crowd of f at Provo while Utah invades Denver By the same token an experienced team earn from Logan Is doubly anxious anxious' t for or a a. victory to 10 set the stage for its ts annual game with Utah scheduled ached ached- chedI I led next week in Logan 1 The Aggie Aggles are arc favorites orites but 1 they have haTe been favorites before and lost to the Cougars I IThe The setting Is right this week for foran foran I Ian an upset but on an analysis sis of the vo t t ams the have ha haven havea n n. decided edge in manpower and experience but in the former the theY they Y UY I is better fortified than usual The game promises to tobe be interesting interesting inter inter- esting eting enough to whet the appetite of f any football fan The Y has hasa a a. young team composed largely of sophomores and one which will gamble The are knee deep in n veterans in inmost most every position Only three Cougars who faced the he Aggie last year when the latter later latter lat lat- ter er team won 27 0 will willbe be in the starting Y lineup namely Vern Waldo tackle Gerald Gillespie guard and Jack fullback full full- back back ack Every starting Farmer with the exception of Dallas Greener and Tracy Maero Macro has lias played against the Y uy either in 1931 1934 or 1935 Macro Maero is a n. sophomore fullback full tull fullback back from Preston The Cougars will outweigh the Aggles in both line and backfield which is b another new experience for a a. Provo team but a factor which after all doesn't mean as much as 83 it used to with the change In n gridiron styles For the last three years year the Y Y has las tailed ailed to score core on their north north- ern rn rivals but since Coach Ott Romley Rom- Rom Romney ley ney has hu been at the Provo institution institution tion lion he be holds an even break with brother Dick Romney in games won and lost Since 1927 1921 each school has won four and lost four tour with one game tied As he has been in the Pas past Kent Ryan Utah States State's conference all-conference halfback will be the most marked man on the field It will be interesting interesting interesting inter inter- esting to see what Ryan can do without Floyd who made possible so many of his hI long runs last year Although it Is 11 the Y cY homecoming ing the game holds special interest for Eddie Peterson former Provo high school star who will wiil be performing performing performing per per- forming before many Garden city friends Peterson has been bothered with a a. rib injury but It I is not ex ex- expected expected petted to hamper him much Roberts at Quarter Charlie Roberts youthful Lehl and one of the starting Y sophomores will I be in the tailback tailback tailback tail tail- back position Roberts is especially adept at running back punts He isa is 11 isa a triple threater being also able to pass and punt Bernard Scooter Magnusson gets the starting call caU at quarterback quarterback quarterback quarter quarter- back for lor the Farmers over Floyd Salter although the latter is expected expected expected ex ex- to see plenty of action While he ho has not been given the starting assignment due to a leg injury Captain Melvin Melvln Wheeler of the Y yn is 19 expected to play part of the game Bob Bunker former Continued on Following Page Y T Hope To Upset Continued fo from Preceding Page Granite high school chool is the Aggie captain Tied for Lead Both teams are tied with Denver and Utah for the Rocky Mountain conference leadership the Cougars rs having defeated Greeley and Montana Montana Montana Mon Mon- tana State while the hold hole victories over Montana State and Wyoming Psychologically speaking the Y has the edge because they have a ayoung ayoung ayoung young team and one which is coming coming corning com corn ing up in the football world The Farmers have a a. title to defend and sometimes the strain of a chamI championship championship cham cham- aggregation works a a. mental mental mental men men- I tal hardship on the players |