Show 9 I The Te W Weather cather I 11 LOCAL OFFICE U. U S. S Weather Weter Bureau S Salt Lake City July 25 JI Precipitation r at hi In last l 24 hours bour 25 Inch total sine since Inc October 1 1 1398 Inches inches' i toti total October 1 to date dato last Jut year 1531 Inches normal nora OC October 1 to d date 1425 Inches Ices WEATHER MT SUMMARY af A A definite advance has ha been made in the te north nort Pacific high pressure system over the te northwestern states elates and pressures are higher as a tar far ta inland as Idaho Idao where tem temperatures are ar appreciably lower The Te California Arizona Arzona heat beat low remains Intact and ad Arizona Arzona and Utah Ut have remans had a few local loal showers The Dakotas Alberta t- t central states latu disturbance has ha deepened and and its U. temperatures continue abnormally high blab Some local loal showers have hav resulted in Alberta Albra Montana Montana and ad Wyoming New Ne Orleans had hart a he heavy rain Inches and Louisville a local loal shower hower WEATHER OBSERVATIONS TAKEN AT 6 A A. A If x TODAY temperatures t I Minimum I Maximum Maium 5 Today Toay Yesterday Boise 58 92 00 Calgary I r 46 SO 88 OO ChIcago 6 66 72 00 Denver 70 96 06 00 46 6 72 82 62 Grand GrAnd Junction 70 98 91 00 Helena 62 80 60 26 26 Kansas City 84 8 00 Lander 60 fO 90 00 Los Ll Angeles Anelu 68 84 00 Minneapolis 64 84 00 64 94 00 Needles Nude 88 94 05 00 New York 66 76 71 01 Oklahoma City 76 00 Omaha 00 O 00 Phoenix 78 08 Pocatello 68 94 16 Portland Ore Ore 54 54 74 94 00 Reno 82 62 96 00 St St. Louis Luis 8 84 00 Salt Salt Lake Lako City 74 7 97 7 25 25 San Sa Francisco 52 2 64 00 Santa Fo Fe 82 90 00 00 Seattle 56 6 72 00 I Spokane 54 82 00 Tonopah 72 92 2 00 Winnemucca 66 00 Winnipeg 56 82 00 Yellowstone 54 5 84 48 8 TEMPERATURES highest Friday Lowest eeN l Saturday a 74 Sun un pets let Saturday SUI Sunrises lu Sunda 5 18 ft f |