Show POLITICAL PROBE PUSHED OKLAHOMA CITY July uly 25 UP UP- UP p- p Charges of political activity in th the works progress administration 1 In Oklahoma were investigated on a broader scope today following a Washington o 0 order r ii d e r discharging soven seven officials The accusations grew out of th the recent Democratic Uc senatorial palmary primary pal pd mary from which Congressman Josh Lee and Governor E. E W. W Marland Mar Marland land emerged the winners to compete compete com corn pete in a runoff election Aubrey Williams assistant W P A administrator who ordered th the ouster said the Investigation was wa complete so far tar as the seven were con concerned but that the inquiry was wa being continued Lees Lee's headquarters asked invest investigation gation gallon of two financed federally-financed departments departments departments de de- de- de under state supervision supervision- the malarial control division an anthe and the highway planning survey office otrIce Both Lee Leo and Marland are staunch new deal supporters Williams announced in Washington Washing Washing- ton yesterday he had telegraphed phed W. W Y S. S Key Oklahoma W V P A administrator administrator administrator ad ad- that the tho following me men have been found guilty of ot political politic activities based on evidence Walter Halter Berry district 6 director Merwyn T. T Buxton district 6 a administrative ad- ad tive assistant George T T. TI Fox district 6 employment director tor Clyde W. W Curtis district 2 supervisor supervisor su su- su- su W. W D. D Hudson district 2 compensation officer Granville Norris district 2 administrative assistant assistant assistant as and Jesse V. V James supervisor supervisor supervisor super super- visor of historical projects Antlers Antler Williams said the men were working In behalf of candidates In the July 7 primary and that h he had proof that some of them were supporting Lee actively |