Show Sarah Mary Daniels Former Singer Dies Sarah Mary Daniels 72 for lor many years a member of the L. L D. D S. S tabernacle tabernacle tabernacle tab tab- choir was found dead in her home Saturday at 10 a. a m. m by neighbors neigh neigh- bors A physician said she had died of ot heart disease about 6 a. a m Miss Daniels was born February 11 1864 In Pencader South Wales and came to Salt Lake Lak City in 1900 She was a cousin of the late Evan Stephens tabernacle choir leader and was his housekeeper for a a number num number num- num umber um- um ber of or years Two cousins Mrs Alice Daniels Heywood Salt Lake City and David Thomas Malad Idaho and severa several nieces and nephews survive Funeral services will wUl be held Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day at 1 p. p m. m In the McKinley L. L D Do S. S ward chapel 1740 South State street Burial will b be in City tery |