Show Preparation Of Lobster Takes Skill By MARY E. E DA DAGUE For lobster at Its best beat it should bo be cooked coked o ked in your own kitchen kitchen- preferably as soon an as it Jt comes comos from the market while active and fresh Do be e c sure t to have your kettle large enough nough to accommodate the lobster with plenty of ot water to cover him completely Add one tablespoon spoon salt lt to six quarts quart of ot boiling boil ing lug water The water must be bollIng bon boll Ing vigorously Gr Grasp p the lobster by the back and plunge it headfirst into the rapidly boiling water Immediately Immediately Im Im- Irn- Irn mediately Immersing the entire body Boil Boll hard bard Jor lor five minutes then reduce heat and cook slowly f for r 25 minutes R Remove move from Water water water wa wa- ter place on claws to drain and nd wipe dry As soon as the lobster is cool enough to fo handle remove meat To Todo Todo Todo do this first break off the two large claws and the four p pairs of s 's small ones Then break apart the talland tall tail talland and body at the joint Hold taU tall l in left hand with shell side against the palm With a a- a pair of sharp scissors cut a 0 slit through the tho up upturned upturned up up- turned bony membrane of the tall tail Now hold tall in both hands both J hands and spread slightly Carefully break flesh away from shell and remove the meat in a single piece Remove moye Intestinal Veil Vein Run a sharp knife lengthwise through the center of this tailpiece and very carefully remove the In Intestinal int intestinal in- in t vein vl which h i runs runs ni the entire length of the tWo b- b body dy This v vii vein l is vIsIble visible vis vie ible but it differs In In color being sometimes red white or black The body is pulled d from the shell I leaving the stomach which is not edible The gills stomach and Intestine in intestine in In- are the are the only parts parla not eaten The green substance is the tho liver and is considered a choice bit The sides of the body are covered with I woody gills which are the lungs Pull off all the gills and break the body in several pieces Remove all bits bite of flesh found between the shells This meat is very sweet and tender The coral which is the roe is ia used as a garnish Break open the large claws using a hammer or nut cracker Its It's a good idea to disjoint the claws first since this makes it easier to remove the claw meat in In whole pieces There is a bony membrane through the center of the meat in the large claw which can be removed by cutting cutting cut cut- ting Ung through the meat at the base or joint and sU slitting Ung lengthwise at atthe atthe atthe the long side Use Nut PIck Tick on Claws Cut the shell from the small claws and remove this meat with a skewer or n nut t pick Or leave the I small claws whole and use them for lor garnishing Chill the meat thoroughly before using In c case se e you buy your lobster boiled at nt the market be sure Its It's freshly boiled The shell should be bea a bright red rod and when the tall tail is straightened it should spring back quickly This shows that the lobster lobster lobster lob lob- ster was alive aUvo when whon boiled Of course lobster salad always Is b Isa ba isa a treat and particularly acceptable In summer menus but if you if-you you want a ahot ahot ahot hot lobster dish I know of nothing better than deviled lobster After boiling cut lobster in halves lengthwise instead of separating tail from body Choose two small lobsters lobsters lob lob- store rather than one large one because because because be be- cause the highly seasoned lobster combination is served in the shells |