Show Recent Bride Entertained At Luncheon One of the smartest luncheons of the week was that given Saturday at the Country club by Seymour Sey Sey Seymour mour mour Wells in compliment to Mrs Hoitt H. H Ellerbeck a bride of late June who was formerly Miss Mary Morris The guests were seated at atone atone atone one table which w was s' s attractively centered with a bowl of pink hollyhock hollyhock holly holly- hock Campanula and Shasta daisies Places were marked for or Mrs Ellerbeck Ellerbeck Ellerbeck Eller Eller- beck Mrs Ben P. P Morris Miss Virginia Virginia Virginia Vir Vir- ginia CrIpps Miss Virginia Hilton Miss Marian Whitney Miss Becky Whitney and Mrs M. M De Do Motto Motte otte Pomeroy Tables were arranged for forbridge forbridge forbridge bridge following luncheon |