Show R r i STORIES R IN INi i S T A i pS 1 By I. I S Klein V pY rf P fm l 6 JErm APOSTLES m yC I lr I I CHRISTIANITY was get a tooth foothold old In Europe E Europ most 1100 years ago when scions of ot a wealthy and lIot tot sae prominent family In decided to renounce their their right and spread the new rel rell t to the uninitiated They weri wei ril also known as Constantin Philosopher and Methodius l carried their Bulgaria Serbia Moravia ane and hernia t The bet r to convey ideas of ot Christianity Cyril younger brother brattIer formulated d i alphabet and by means of I ll taught the Bible Dible to the Slav j J and distrust rust arose amon among German German- priesthood and ch were made against the brot brott Cyril died in and Meth Metho became the object object- of or sever seven seven until he was But Pope Popo John VIII freed treed blur him consecrated him archbishop of ravia For 12 more years he he his work against blUe bitter position He died in In Pope Leo 1 canonized zed brothers t tC C z e kia in 19 sued a a. a 5 three stem slam stam th the their iO r h hOne One Ons is II here Copyright InS 1936 NEA |