Show j Long Manhunt Rewarded OUGHT as the lust slayer of Ruth Shaw for S' S SOUGHT SOUGHT seven weeks city and county police earn cr credit dit for the arrest of Ben J. J Pack Jr 21 in at 4 a. a m. m Monday It is relatively unimportant to know by what exact means his whereabouts was discovered interesting as are aresu su such suh h matters in a story of crime and pursuit Tl The e arrest of the fugitive carries conviction that the net was carefully laid Absence of any spectacular spectacular spectacular spec spec- features in his taking in no way detracts detracts detracts de de- de- de tracts from the incident Pack is safely confined con con- fined ed and must answer to a charge of first degree degree degree de de- de- de gree murder The community owes praise to those who recognized Pack and informed local officials It ItIs Itis Itis Is such cooperation with enforcement agencies th that t law abiding and alert citizens ca can give as their share in combating the nations nation's growing crime menace Without it peace officers in many instances are wholly unequal to the demands which are made upon them to bring evildoers to Jus justice ice Witness the long quest for Alvin Karp Karpis is With an army of ot the most skilled detectives the co country try can boast on his trail for many months following clues in every nook and corner from front coast to coast and from to border he would still be safe in his hideout in New Orleans Orleans Or Or- leans Jew if a suspicious automobile salesman had hadnot hadnot hadnot not informed the G In n some some cases individuals may expose them them- selves elves to danger of reprisals The courage to ris risk this in hi a servi service e to so society ety is only comI com com- I end d ble le a line fine example ample of I nit on of duty and responsibility on the part of the good citizen There is evident with Packs Pack's arrest a sense of satisfaction in this locality especially growing growing growing grow grow- ing out of or official assertions that he has hns talked at length about the details of ot the crime and has made an oral confession Now it remains only for the law to take its due course How long it will be before his fate is determined no one may even speculate That it will be too long is a commonly expressed belief belief be be- lief born of intern interminable Dable delays in countless other criminal cases It is out of this evil circumstance cir cir cir- over the nation that contempt for forlaw forlaw law Jaw grows among its antisocial elements and in incites incites incites in- in cites mobs of otherwise orderly citizens to take matters into their own hands The complaint over the laws law's delay is age- age old Bench and bar endlessly propose to undertake Undertake undertake un- un un Un- needed reforms Legislatures seeing no vote-gathering vote promises in remedial legislation legislation legislation legis legis- lation fail to deal eal with it effectively Nevertheless Nevertheless Never Never- the legal profession on many occasions boasts of betterments brought about and lawmakers lawmakers lawmakers law law- makers remark in their campaigns for reelection reelection tion of what they have bave done to strengthen the law Meanwhile whether or not remedies have been provided the laws law's delay remains to aid and comfort criminals and to deny sense of se security security security se- se of life and property In the circumstances circumstances circum circum- stances law enforcers may too often consider whether or not they are are justified in risking their own lives to bring an evildoer to book Clarence Clarence Clarence Clar Clar- ence Darrow remarked recently that there is no such thing as justice in America He may be nearer the truth than thans is pleasant to believe |