Show ATER fATER SUPPLY ELD ADEQUATE QUA TEi I report rI released Monday by byo to t o Engineer T. T H H. Humpherys there is still sUIl plenty of ot moll mols stored at high elevations to inre Inre in inre In- In re an adequate supply despite the ivy runoff which has occurred ing ring the tho warm spell of the last weeks Mr ir r. r Humpherys pointed out that e recent flood waters which in ir me c instances reached the highest pint ant int in years were caused by snow citing on tho the lower benches Some citing has occurred at elevations feet or over but only enough saturate the ground with water New Flood Stage St. It t is expected that in the la latter rt of or this month and early in inne inne inne ne the streams again will reach flood stage due to melting on the gh levels Most of the flood load wafers wars wars wa wa- wa- wa fers rs this spring have flowed Into Great teat reat Salt SlIt lake and thus have beme berne be- be rne me waste waters In only two orage Drage reservoirs the report said I s it been possible to store all the theater theater theater ater streams have brought Into em These are Utah lake and ear car lake reservoirs Utah Lako I On On May 1 Utah lake held I feet cre feet re-feet of ot water as compared I Uh feet acre at the tho same last and feet acre te to year ear 1933 The canals on the west side if f the Jordan river have been raving water from the lake for Those on the east side e not drawing lake water because f f. the supply from the small moun- moun In streams The storage In Bear lake since has been increased ed by feet acre-feet and the level of e lako has been raised 29 feet he c lake is at about the same ele- ele tion now as it was at this time st year From present indica- indica ions there w will U be enough water l lowing in during the remainder of ot ote Jie e season to raise it another three eeL f Bear River During April Bear river dis- dis arged feet acre-feet of water toto nto Great Salt lake and Weber iver discharged feet acre-feet nto into the lake Most of the rivers in he northern part of the state cached their maximum flow low about prU 24 and are now slowly copping In some places flood rater ster has caused property damage Maximum flows of some of the rivers were Bear feet Beaver seconded second second- ed Coal creek second-feet second second feet Weber second-feet second Spanish Fork feet Available storage at tho the end of in some of ot the principal reser- reser airs was as follows Hyrum feet cre-feet Otter creek acre- acre F et Twin Creek feet acre levier ler Bridge feet acre-feet lute feet acre-feet Strawberry acre feet t Scofield 1 acre acre- Echo feet acre-feet and andt t t t. canyon acre Mr Humpherys reported that aU atlon on has been started in most sec- sec I ns DS of the state and If It rain does docs pt ot of come soon all but the dr dry farm farm- I rs 11 will bo be irrigating within two ecks Reports I nh u t O T is f s. s t 4 p 1 i it b aFy f t f fr ff fY Y r f i r t f 1 T T. T H. H Humphers Still Plenty Plent of at Moisture 1 ture |