Show I i BODY bOY OF SLAIN 1 CHILD IS FOUND W WATERVILLE Me Ma May 5 UP The The The bed body Y of Mary 7 missing since Sunday was found today today to- to luni f of alder bushes on da day in a clump j the he banks ot of stream The Th The child had been bound and and apparently died of at gagged Bagged strangulation r I Circumstances of tho the slaying Were were virtually the same sarno as those in ini inthe inthe the unsolved slaying last October i of f r Annie K Knights 12 school girl of or of near near by Fairfield I Twine used to tie tie the childs child's s hands ands was smaller maller than that hat used I but the bow bowknot bowknot bowknot I In In the Knights case knot was the same officials said She he had been gagged with a a apiece piece of bf her underclothing I Napoleon I Me Medical ical 4 Examiner va aon said the he child had been at at- at tacked Robert Rancourt high school senIor senior senior sen sen- who left his bis classes with other pupils p to assist police and Boy Scouts In the search found the 1 body d about a mile and a half haIr from the childs child's home The girl was one of four children of ot Mr and Mrs Arthur Mrs insisted her child had been abducted almost from the moment she realized she was miss miss- ing Mrs JUrs told police an unIdentified unidentified un un- n- n identified man had been giving her children pennies for some time 4 I pa past t. t |