Show Weak Squads Turn on Two Top Outfits Second place Barnett Weiss bowlers rolled the best series In the Salt Lake night at atthe atthe atthe the Temple alleys but they barely managed to break even against the thelast thelast thelast last place Baker Motor crew The leading Henager crew meanwhile meanwhile mean mean- while whilo had its difficulties too too and only broke even with Snappy ServIce ServIce Service ice led by C. C P. P Andersons Anderson's series Hen gers ger's therefore holds a point lead going into the tho final session session ses ses- ses- ses sion elan next week when it will oppose oppose oppose op op- pose while Barnett 8 Weiss faces Cons Con's confectionery confectioner C. C J. J Butts anchored Baker Motor with for the evenings evening's evenings evening's evenings evening's eve eve- ning's high series A by Herman Herman Herman Her Her- man by Jeff Mansell and by Jack Bunsey enabled the second place incumbents to win tho the last game and total score by 13 pins Radio Studio swept its match with Cons Con's Confectionery Fisher BrewIng BrewIng BrewIng Brew- Brew Ing took three from Mountain States Telephone as Albert Nelson totaled Hotpoint won three from Pinney and Freed Motor whitewashed as Vic Hampshire Hampshire Hampshire Hamp Hamp- shire turned in Other standout games included b by Albert Nelson and Frank K Ii Baker by Mark Weiss by A. A Nelson by Vern Everon Everson Ever Ever- son on b by Hampshire by Herb Brenneke by Jack Purdie Fur Fur- Furdie Furdie die b by B. B Scott and nd b by Ken Jien Moore l RADIO STUDIOS 1 2 3 Total Gerber Oritz Orita 1 7 5 8 13 mi Maughan Totals 2733 2735 CONS CON'S CONFECTIONERY 1 2 3 Total Andersen n er n Kennedy 32 Dummy Dummy Total 51 2523 BARNETT WEISS 1 2 3 Total Manse Mansell Fortier Hallmark Bunzey r 5 12 er lOt Totals Total 88 ill 2771 BAKER MOTOR 1 2 3 Total Baker l is S Ruff Merrill Knowles l B Butts 10 Total 8 8 rn m 2758 2758 MOUNTAIN STATES TEL 1 2 3 Total Kramer Benon 19 17 Thompson Peak 90 l 9 Totals Tobit rn 2578 2518 FISHER BREWING 2 3 Total Nelson 10 Cutro Catro Moffatt Brenneke 1 MI ISO Evans 1 5 81 Totals S D m pro 2722 1 2 3 1 TotAl F F. Nelson Nellon 16 B B. B Mott ott E. E lS J. J Olsen Olaen J. J Burt BurL Totals i S 2579 2519 PINNEY BEVERAGE 1 2 3 1 Total Cook k J. J T. T Lloyd J. J Purdie 1117 S. S Barney Totals 2575 HENAGER'S 1 2 3 Total Shultz Stewart I son Henager 60 Jensen ToWs Totals m 9 ill 2622 SNAPPY SERVICE 1 2 3 Total Lee 5 0 Everson A 16 Trail 1 9 Gray 1 5 Anderson I Totals 85 ill 2631 1 2 3 Total Dennis Snow snow 4 9 Weiss Vein Totals Total R rn 2621 FREED MOTOR 1 2 3 Total Hampshire r K ig g K IC Moore 16 1 K Winter 1 60 1 M. M Lore Lo 50 C. C Fehr 82 Totals m ill 9 i M 2129 |