Show I TV 7 D DOGS GS j jj I The Boston terrier originated l In England as as as asa a gentle gentleman's ans but the AIre- AIre AIredale Air rIi companion dog dog dale began as a work animal animal- an essential aid to hunters hunters In In 4 01 Scotland The collie the tho finest tE herd dog Is 13 perhaps tho the ol oldest es breed known its Us history reachIng reachIng reach reach- t Ing back to tho the first domet animals But the tiny t Pekingese Is a close rival In 0 I Oriental history These arc but samples of th thIS the y I 1 Interesting facts to be found I in inThe f The Salt Lake Telegram ler- ler i Vice booklet BREEDS O OP OF J DOGS DOGS' available through our f. f j Washington Information Bu- Bu reau More than 40 to breeds are described each with wIlh an n. n a authentic h n. n tl tic historical sketch pre prepared ared by United States Stales government r. r experts Illustrated with 30 30 J photographs from Alred Airedale l to t Whippet Send for your r. r copy today Inclosing In- In Jn w J closing 4 cents to cover cover postage tV and handling Use This Coupon i iThe The Salt SaIt Lake Telegram t Information Bureau 4 Frederic J. J Haskin Director i Washington D. D C. C t ti iJ I herewith FOUR l vr CE CENTS In InS coin oln carefully di wrapped for fors a C copy py of the themY mY booklet BREEDS OF O DOGS N Nome Name ame ae a. a j R 1 1St St Street City City I t i 1 State Stat 1 f Mall IJ to DC Washington D. C CL z zi f i t f p t k j J. 1 Ji J i r |