Show HAVE YOU INDIGESTION A DISEASE which starts with ith indigestion t g gas gassy a S s y sour stomach dizzy spells or general lassitude lassitude lassitude las las- may be helped by Dr Pie Pierces Pierce's r c e s Golden Medical Dis Ds- I coyer covery Thin blood arid and arida a rund run down wn tern ten also r respond c S p 0 n d quick quck to Its took tonic effect Read Rud what T. T r J. J Taylor Tailor of So lh Aye Me Idaho I have found round Dr Tierces Tierce's Golden Golc Medici Medical ery Duco to be mIghty rood It bullch up the s intern lcm and relieves indigestion and Mom stomach th trouble in hort order Anyone who U Is in need of a a. tonic tonk for the stomach lomach and the blood should Cite I this Discovery a 01 triaL lt ii a lM U SO 50 cli eu liquid 1100 1 illta 1 tu iD oc e liquid IA Why You Should Never Out Gut a aDorn Corn If It you are troubled with corns corn or calluses es do not run nm the rl risk k or of blood poison by paring them Statistics show that many Infections have ha occurred from this seemingly ly innocent practice or of paring corns corm Simply go to your druggist anI and cotI got cot gota et a few cents cents' worth or ot Mint tub a I little on any painful corn or callus Immediately the pain will t and In a short hort time the corn or calLus callus callus cal cal- lus will loosen and nd lift ot on off e easily sUy with the ringers root fingers root and all leaving all leaving the surrounding skIn In a II healthy normal condition This together with the that Ice Ice- Mint overcomes such II as sore tired aching putted purred or burning feet and makes them cool easy casy and comfortable Is b probably responsible for foe forthe the hearty endorsement given It by druggists v To rid ones one's feet or of every ery hard harl corn com soft sort corn corn between the tho toes or painful calluses In such n a pleasant and s sate sare fe way cay ay makes It cem teem the height or of folly roily for lor anyone to p re p. ire a com corn and people are arc warned to s stop p It Adv Ire IP i Ij rr J I wI dJ if t t J Ark It r- r i of the Morning Good Coffee Gives you ou a a. friendly glow glo Makes all the world more friendly to your schemes schema i Schilling Coff Coffee e will stand by y you u like a a. friend if you lOU give it half halfa a a. a chance in the making It has a a. certain sturdy quality all its own Schilling Coffee There arc two Schilling C Coffees ees One for or percolator ti One for or drip fc k t Pith ji S A I DIVING W I 1 GEORGIA COLEMAN COlMAN I Li I GOLF GENE dini fl I I rN I J BASEBALL famous f i A Ai Golf CoIf Champion i 4 I I 4 i I Ir r 1 it I 4 d lI I I SCULLING Y If i i J x y r y I wr i BilL MILLER W I c 4 r I r I 4 fi I i tI I t c BASKETBALL i r f. f S. S LANcAsTER t. t I i SQUASH RACQUETS You WIND i JOHN L. L SKILlMAN V 1935 Pro Racquets Champion JI fm r i K Kh b. b h J t Ll 2 S WhO has sin r hi pg offer 4 r S 4 r- r The mild cigarette the athletes smoke S is the mild cigarette for YOU 0 I IA A cigarette so mild you can smoke all you get my wind never upset my nerves Skillman pro squash racquets champion 1 want ant that's what athletes say about Camels Other athletes back him up I I smoke hundreds of sports stars smoke Camels regularly regu regu- And when a champion talks about condition condi all the Camels I want and keep in in top lady and report that Camels never Dever get their Mel Iel Ott of the New NewYork wind md tion tiou wind healthy wind healthy nerves real nerves real tobacco to to- condition says slugger or nerves bacco mildness mildness mildness-he he's hes s got to know York Giants Georgia Coleman Olympic What this mildness means to you I I. I It Gene says Playing as much as is s I Ido diver says Camels dont don't t cut down on my means you can smoke Camels all you want g Miller Lancaster made this Camels Camel's s do I do-I I have hate to keep in in condition I smoke wind Athletes have discovery Camels steadily They are arc so mild they never N. N NY Y Us U.'s 1934 basketball captain John costlier tobaccos are so so mild they can an HEALTHY NERVES WIND Condition ENERGY is important to you you you-on on t smoke all they please without disturbing vacation in the thc office at home You can keep in condition yet smoke allI all X HV 4 W w n 7 Wf X S. S Y owr 0 th their wind WID d or nerves you please Athletes say II Camels never get your W WOt ud 1 V I 9 cl r fr- fr i 4 7 tvr ii r JL f f r ld 1 t 1 r- r S' S so 0 J MD 1 j J. J r J f l I M. M d f J. J f w J f N. N f W l tr Me ME- t rW C COSTLIER 0 S f f QU E J a iii e i S r 1 TOBACCOS f 1 t i 1 JJ J J T i iW f 4 jr cS e- e I W ty f 61 f O tI n I i Camels are arc made from finer MORE EXPENSIVE E J TOBACCOS TOBACCO W i f v iW I Jv i 3 y 5 4 fc brand ems f. f M t ii Turkish and Domestic than Domestic than any apy other popular R. R I 3 J. R Ceo Z r J t J z x x z k r f n v 1 R. R J. J REYNOLDS T TOBACCO D CCO COMPANY Winston Salem N. N C C. S |