Show GRASS ROOTS' ROOTS 10 0 P. P PARLEY SET FOR JUNE Midwest Leaders Call Aroused America to Battle New Nev Deal Br By Associated Press CHICAGO May lay G Republican G-Republican leaders from nine midwestern states today set June 10 and 11 for tor the grass roots party conference at Springfield Ill in a call caU for an aroused America to give vigorous battle to the Roosevelt new nev deal The battle is not only to end the depression said the call but also alsoto alsoto alsoto to preserve our very institutions Charging the Roosevelt administration tion lion had created conditions so Uso intolerable intolerable in in- tolerable and so serious as 35 to be beyond beyond beyond be be- yond mere partisan politics the committee com corn laid out for the conference a twofold task of ol formulating ng plans for rejuvenating the Republican party part nationally and proposing a constructive construe tive the program for the 1936 presidential campaign I President Roosevelt was Roosevelt was Wa charged with having plunged th ther r nation into a series senes of fantastic and experimental schemes the result of which has has' been to retard recovery and mire the c coun country un try more deeply into despair I Candidacies Barred I The conference at at the shrine oi ot Lincoln the committee said will vill have nothing to do with candidacies northe nor northe northe the personal ambitions of any men menor menor menor or set of men Selection of ol conference delegates was authorized in a manner to be prescribed by the signers of the call caU from the respective states provided they are unselfish Republicans who are in accord with the purpose and principles of this announcement It is is' especially understood the call caU said that there shall shaU be no place in this conference for tor the selfish reactionary reactionary re reo neither shall there be a place for the equally selfish radical or self seeking The Republican leaders declared every major promise made by President President dent Roosevelt had been broken and shamelessly v and said his record prese presents ts such political perfidy per as to shock the conscience and rock the very foundations of racy The Democratic party as it has been known by its history policies and declarations has ceased to exist said the announcement It has completely com corn and abjectly ignored its obligations and abdicated in favor of Mr Roosevelt and his retainers Sense of Insecurity Through Mr Roosevelt's confusing confusing in ing contradictory and uncertain policier policies pol pol- icier it continued fear car and a sense sense of insecurity have destroyed estro ed the con con- Continued on on Page Pue Three I G. G 1 0 O. O 1 P. P 1 LEADERS SET MEET DATE C Continued from Pace Pl One I 1 of the people and o our r mighty forces capable of oC producing recover recovery y yf are bound and fettered As proof o of f these statements we have but to refer refer re re- r r c. fer to the fact that our relief relict rolls roll s have grown to the tremendous total 1 of ot over of ot our people In admission of ot his failure we find Cind Mr Roosevelt demanding and obtaining from a servile congress the gigantic sum of oC to be spent by him and his experimental advisers lar largely ely for lor undisclosed pur pun poses Never before has king potentate lor or emperor been clothed with such vast and dangerous power No other president has ever desired such unrestrained unrestrained un restrained authority The Thc call was issued by a committee of ot national committeemen and women women women wo wo- men and state chairmen and vice chairmen from Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska Nebraska Ne Ne- braska Oklahoma and Wisconsin headed by Harrison E. E Spangler Span ler Iowa national committeeman Serious Thought For several months i it said the situation has received the serious thought of oC Republicans everywhere In these prairie states slates numerous meetings have been held and and the problems have been carefully consid consid- ered The unanimous decision has ha has been to immediately give vigorous battle As the first step this committee proposes a general Jeneral conference of Republicans Republicans Republicans Re Re- publicans of this s section The purpose purpose pur pur- pose of this conference will be to take an inventory of the country's affairs to audit the books and to make a report re re- port Having done this the conference will undertake to propose a constructive constructive construe construe- tive program national in character calculated to be helpful in the ending of ot this depression and in the nation of ot American Institutions to formulate plans for future activities to provide for the organization of ot ou our forces and to be of assistance to the Republican national committee the state stat committees and all regular Republican organizations The call did not fix a quota of ot delegates delegates dele gates leaving to leaders in the participating participating par par- states the selection within with in reasonable as to num nuni bers It has been sug suggested ested that tha each state send 15 delegates for lor each congressional district |