Show Thrills Abound In Spectacular Capitol Film By FLICKER FAN Spectacular flying lying exhibitions the background for the story of ot how howa a 3 gruff army sergeant mak makes a man out of his young officer son in WestPoint West WestPoint WestPoint Point of ot the Air now being shown at atthe atthe atthe the Capitol Capit l theater Those who thrill to the sight of squadrons of planes winging their way across the skies in perfect formation formation for tor- mation will especially enjoy this picture pic picture pie pie- ture Lure since the army air corps flyIng fly fly- Ing hg school at Randolph field Texas Is s the locale of much of ot the story and there Is flying flying flying from start to finish Airplanes spelling USA in irs the skies a ma mass maca parachute jump and night air maneuvers are included in inthe inthe inthe the flying scenes The picture is dedicated to the fliers liers of ot the U. U S. S army and Wallace Beery has another of the hard hand ed roles on which his movie fame has las been built He appears as Big Mike Hike who grew rew up with army avia avia- ion tion to become a master sergeant and instructor at Randolph field Robert Young as Little Mike comes out of West Point an all Amer ican can halfback and begins his air corps training under his father at Randolph Ran Ran- dolph Success has always alwa's come easy to the he lucky happy Little Mike but butin in fri n the face of two airplane accidents for lor or which he feels a responsibility he ne cracks Big Mikes Mike's efforts to save his his' hisson son are not according to Hoyle Hoye He Is and dishonorably dis dis- dis charged How he and a rattletrap old commercial commercial com mercial plane make a man mars of Little Mike climaxes the picture Lewis Stone as the commanding general jeneral of ot the school Maureen O'Sullivan O'Sullivan OSul livan ivan as Skip his his' daughter and Little Mikes Mike's sweetheart and James Gleason Glea Glea- son on the combination me astronomer-me- hanic head the well balanced supporting supporting sup sup- porting cast castA A Technicolor short Show Kids I and nd Paramount news reel reel complete the he bill |