Show Dixon Defeats Salt Lake Ace Adams Title Goes to jn in Well Weil Played Five- Five Set Final Old tennis rivals met for tor the last time during the 1934 season Sunday and when the smoke of ot battle had cl cleared re a aV away w V a Y M. M Fred Buck Dix on of ot Provo was the victor and incidentally incidentally in in- the Adams Adams Ad ams ams i invitation n v ita t i on e tournament singles champion by virtue virtue vir vir- vir tue of ot his victory t over Mel Gallacher t j er Salt Lake City titleholder 6 1 l C-l y 2 C C 4 4 6 63 chops Bucks Buck's sizzling b bIting ft i ser ser- n g v f 4 tc i C v c vice lobs hun him and the finally and J decision teasing gave gac 1 Fred DIxon over the brilliance of or Gallacher who defeated Dixon to win the intermountain title In 1933 Dixons Dixon's play in the first two sets was well nigh flawless lawless but the ever ever- dangerous Gallacher stormed the net and smashed savagely to win the third and fourth in good style The rhe big PrO was not nol to be denied de cle nied in the fifth filth set leading at 3 1 before Gallacher tied lied it at al all 3 and then forging orgin ahead to break his opponents opponents opponents opponent's nent's service twice and arid win his own delivery once and the battle was over Gallacher and Grant Evans of Salt Lake City won the Adams doubles title several days dils ago I |