Show KEEN INTEREST SHOWN I IN YOUNG G. G 0 o. P. P MEET Carlos J. J Badger president of th the Young foung Mens Men's Republican club of f Salt Sal Lake ake county Monda Monday reported keen Interest being manifested throughout the state in the Utah state convention of Young Republicans to be held i ithe in intoe toe the Newhouse hotel September 28 23 and the intermountain Pacific Pacific confer confer- ence at the Hotel Utah Ulah the following day Ac According to Mr Badger new Young Republican clubs are arc bein being formed in several counties These and clubs already formed In Weber Utah and other counties promise t to tos s send nd big delegations to both gather gather- ings Senator Elbert D D Thomas Utah Uta Democratic solon Bolon will return to Sal Salt Lake City about October 11 Hwi He spend several days in W Washington 1 D. D C. C before belore le leaving vin for Utah Ulah |