Show BANDIT ESCAPES WITH 40 LOOT Fails to Open Bonneville Clubhouse Clubhouse Clubhouse Club Club- house Safe After Tying Watchman Police Monday sought a lone bandit bandit ban ban- dit who robbed the Bonneville golf gol course clubhouse Sunday night escaping escaping es es- es caping with 40 from the cash register regis regis- ter after making futile efforts charts to open the safe The bandit who tied the night watchman Mike to the bed bcd was frightened away b by an approaching approach ing car after he had hammered the dial of off a n safe in the office oUke The chance visitor Robert P. P Harris lIar Har ris Jr Fifth Firth East street was re re- turning to the clubhouse to get his golf colf cl clubs bs He lie released and telephoned poli police e. e The night watchman told officers he was wu preparing to co go to bed bert at p. p m. m when there was a knock at the doo door Im the water man he said the mant outside replied when he asked who was wac there Opening the thedoor door he told pol police ce he was confronted by a masked ba bandit dit who threatened him with a gun After he told the bandit bandith h he did not know the combination to the safe he hc s said id he was tied to th the bed bcd after which hicl the robber loot looted d the cash register re ister and attempted to open the safe before being frightened away awny described the bandit as about 30 years ears old 5 feet Jeet 7 7 inches t tall U weighing pounds and wearing dirty trousers and an oversize grey coat |