Show QUINTET MAY FACE CHARGES Five rivo Are Accused of Possession Possession Possession Posses Posses- sion of Liquor I Booked at the county jail on charges of liquor possession five live men also may face larceny charges Chief Dc Deputy pu i Sheriff George Gcorge Beckstead Beck Beck- stead lead said Monday after recovery of an automobile tire and wheel allegedly allegedly allegedly alleg alleg- edly stolen Sunday night from a car parked at the Crescent L. L D D. D S. S chapel The suspects Robert Davis 18 South First West t street t William Reeves 20 26 26 Marion street Frank Lavoo 25 East Second South street Kenneth Strong 19 Ke Keysor Key Key- Keysor sor court and Merrill Swenson 21 62 South West Temple street were riding ridin In a car that had a fla flat tire and andare are nrc claimed to have removed a tire and wheel from a churchgoers churchgoer's automobile automobile auto auto- mobile when Mr Beckstead happened upon the scene Failing to find the missing wheel wheeland wheeland wheeland and tire in the darkness Mr Beckstead Beckstead Beckstead Beck Beck- stead arrested the five men on possession possession pos pos- session charges when he found round a bettie bot bet bottie tl tie of f whisky in rn their disabled carThe car The stolen property was recovered Monday morning |