Show Livestock Market OGDEN Aur Aue 1 Receipts Hors 1279 41 direct through shipments In- In elude lude to San Francisco Swanston pack paek- ers era ISO market slow best stead at for tor truckload few lo lots mixed weights ISO to pounds 1460 so few ew mixed light lights 4 U 4 00 no Picking packing sows lOWS offered quoted 32 lo loid d po pound al Nebraska hogs hoes 4 Cattle Cattie Receipts t steady few lots nd m good steers steen and heifers helfers C common kinds down to 1300 medium and good rood cows 25 lower grade nde UGO down few lew medium bulls around 2 25 Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts through shipments ship ship- ship ments Include to Chicago market Chicago packers Denver market 2183 Omaha market 5 7 St. St Joe Joo market 2153 head 84 8 pound lambs about steady tead at III 1850 2650 hud head 69 63 pound feeding lambs ambs 1550 50 f few w 4 1400 00 package 85 pound trucked trucked-In lambs NORTH SALT LAKE AUf Aur 1 USDA USDA- Hots Hou 1121 through shipments shipments ship ship- ments meats Include 2111 to Oakland packers 1611 to o Los Angeles market 13 to Lo Los Angeles Angelea packers e steady to r higher top f 4 80 on best beat N pounds cf few mixed fd weighed Cattle Cattle Receipts 73 13 43 direct through shipments r ol Include c 31 tt to Los Angeles pack ers few lots common m to good cows steady at 12 25 3 oo cutters around lot common calves 1300 00 Sheep Sheep Sheep-No No receipts nothing done DENVER DEN AUf Aur 1 AP AP Ho USDA s- s Receipts 1500 sales salu and bids 15 to lower lover than Mondays Monday's a erne a erace few sales to o 30 pound ou weights II O top 1420 fe few weighty packing kIJl sows sowe w h. h Ig 25 butcher sows sowa upward to 1360 60 Cattle Receipts Cattle Receipts slow heifers w weak wuk ak ako to o lOc bc lower other classes generally steady stead small mall lots steers teen 5 00 no loads sold old three J loads 70 Sto pound heifers heiers 15 1515 75 loads unsold better grade erade cows I 3 00 all cutters 50 shelly low cutters utters 12 bulls bulb 1550 down few stock aLock heifers Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts nOD native lambs Iambi fully asking strong to lOc be higher on westerns few native nathe lambs down dowat common kinds 5 1500 00 sheep sheea steady most lots loti fat ewes 1 11 00 holding beat best range ranee lambs ambs above n. n late Monday Monda numerous oads lods range ranee lambs lamb 6 OMAHA All Aut Aug 1 AP Rp AP Re Receipts very early sales 10 to under Mondays Monday's average ferGle 18 16 Oto pound 3 00 top 4 05 packing 1 sows 3 heavy roughs g cf down to 1310 3 o and smooth fi t light th tho thI I sows to shippers I 3 50 tags stags weak to o lower at feH s Cattle Cattle Receipt Receipts slaughter steers and steady to ISo ISe higher better grade rude fed heifers around 10 to iSo higher cows and bulls bulla mostly motU steady veal calves to SOc higher practical top two loads load InS 1373 pound steers 6 90 one lot loL 1100 plain l killing steers around Ground 1575 down good rood to choice cholee fed heifers 50 few 5 70 erI er a few grain fed cows 0 I 50 butcher I torts sorts A around d OO cutters te and low cutters utters sausage bulls mostly good to choice choice- 50 Sheep R Sheep Receipts lambs Iambs early bids steady sheep steady feeders weak wuk to lower ower early earl bids sorted d natives mostly motU 1750 7 SO one load choice fed clipped lambs lambl 1150 ewes up to bulk bun range ranee fee feeding dine lambs ambs 5 60 top 1673 yearling breeding ewes |