Show Luncheon for for- or Bride of Week WeekS S Miss Dorothy Farr Parr presided at a luncheon Tuesday at the Roosevelt Grill honoring Miss Dorothy Campbell Campbell Camp Camp- bell who will wed Saturday The Thelong long luncheon table was artistically II decorated with a low bowl filled with garden blooms of yellow and with i pink and yellow princess tapers in silver silver sil sil- sil ver candlesticks at each end The place cards were of a bridal design and those present were Miss I Campbell Mrs Wesley Van Cott Colt Mrs Irs Leo LcD J. J Bachle Bachic Mrs Shirley S S. S Jensen Jen Jen- sen Mrs Arnold Burgener Mrs Jack Riley RUey Miss Mis Isabell Bruff Miss Viona Peterson Miss Marcella Miss Beatrice Riley and Miss ML Virginia Farr Parr After bridge was 1 Honoring Miss Add d Chamberlin a summer bride Miss Florence Irvine was vas hostess at a kitchen shower and garden supper Monday evening at her home on Hawthorne avenue Small supper tables were vere arranged on the terrace and bridge followed supper The rho hostess was assisted by her mother mothr moth moth- er r Mrs R. R L L. Irvine Sixteen guests were present Miss Chamberlin was honored at a week-end week party given by a n group of y young ung girls at the thc Irvine cottage in Mill Creek canyon The guests included Miss Irvine Irvinc Miss Dorothy Taylor Miss Gloria Duste Mi Miss Susan Crouch Miss Marjorie Sweeney Miss Ruth Chamberlin I Miss Florence Irvine and Miss Viola Neff I Grand West Western division islon No G. G I. I A. A to B. B of L. L E E. will hold a special meeting Wednesday at 2 p. p m. m in the I. I O. O O. O F. F F halL haiL S Miss dis Hannah Hannah daughter of Mr and Mrs Ben has hasl gone to Denver and Pueblo Colo Cob for tor fora a 8 visit II The following young girls will spend the coming week at Brighton Miss Mary Louise Gorey Miss Dorothy Dorothy Dor Dor- othy Richie Miss Ramona Miss Jean Penrose Miss Grace Ne Needham Need Need- xi ham hant and Miss Maxine Parlett rhey They will be accompanied by Miss Lulu Penrose and will vill occupy the Coulam cottage I VISITING IN S. S SK L. L J j NY t it 1 f t t i 1 t i l i Miss Ruth Richards daughter of Mr and Mrs Preston Richards of ot Beverly Jeverly Hills Cn Cal who l is b summer lag ag In Salt Lake with friends and md will leave cave In mid August for her home |