Show TONE OF LOCAL MARKET BETTER v j t Price Cains Gains Shown by SevI Sev- Sev j I eral oral Issues as Sales Sates Pick Up I. I There Tere was evidence of better belter beter feelIng feelIng feel Ing in i the local stock market Tuesday following th the starting break at the te beginning b ginning of at the week week More shares participated In the tc trading gains were scored by a half hal dozen issues anc and former levels level were maintained by 8 8 The Te liquidation movement however however how ever was not completed as a a sizeable 1 roster of at declines decies demonstrated I The Te outstanding rai rally of at the day was wa made mad by Tintic Standard It was up UP 5 points point above its it previous mark at atthe atthe atthe the opening 50 shares share bringing 80 The Te buyer buer of ot the next hundred paid 38 and ad the thc final share hundred trade trade was closed at a price of making the net gain for the te session 15 15 points pit Big Hill HU gained a point 1000 shares selling at 10 cents cent compared with the te 9 cents cent at which it was wu traded Monday morning orning Eureka Bullion Bulion climbed from 15 to 16 and ad finally finaly to 16 2 1 during during dur duro ing the session with wih sales 1500 50 Eureka Lilly Liy put on a D lively pre pre- at both bot calls cals ranging from orance 18 2 1 to t 20 20 but finished at the te lower quotation a point half above its it Monday Monday Mon Mon- day da close dose A point half gain was credited edit d also alo to Park Pak Premier which evered recovered to 6 after a D dip on Monday lo to 5 1 12 I Park SPark City Consolidated traded shares Chares hae On its it first sale sOIe it was up to 22 22 a point above its it former figure and ad later it I was bid in at 22 1 2 I Chiseling of another 7 2 1 points pint from the selling price of Eureka Standard Standard Stan Stan- dard dad brought that stock to a new low for this thi year ot at Walker Mining lost 5 I Mountain City 3 East Est Tintic Con 2 1 2 Croff 1 2 1 and nd several sever ore fractions |