Show FARM VALUATION TAX BASE SOUGHT Using productive worth of farm farmlands farmlands farmlands lands as a basis for tax valuations ha has has been asked of the state tax commission commission commission commis commis- sion by members of the Utah State Farm Bureau federation Tracey R. R Welling secretary o othe of the bureau headed the delegation seeking a reduction of assessed valuations valuations on this basis on all aU farms throughout the state In assessing land the sales value loan value and the Income possibilities should be taken into account Mr Welling said He asserted that i if this were done there would be a considerable considerable con con- reduction in most instances The appeal to the tax commission was made in accordance with a resolution reso reso- lution passed at a recent meeting of the board of directors of the farm arm bureau Mr Welling said The delegation that called on the tax commission included in addition to Mr Welling Joseph Anderson president resident of the farm bureau and E E. T. T Capener a member of the farm fann bureau bureau bu bu- bu- bu reau taxing committee I |