Show ROAD PROJECTS FOR HALF MILLION LET Contracts for tor highway work caSting costing cost caSt ing close to half a million dollars were awarded Monday as the state opened Its reemployment and industrial Industrial Industrial Indus indus- trial recovery ry program through the expenditure of in fedora federal aid highway money Christenson Gardner of Salt Lake were awarded the contract for paving the road between the airport anc and Saltair The work of surfacing the highway between Soldier Summit and Castilla in Utah county will be bedone bedone bedone done by Olof Nelson of Logan i Work on both projects will begin within the next ten days and each cach will be completed in less than four months The Saltair project calls for miles of ot concrete paving 20 feet fee wide It will vill be done at a cost o of The Soldier Summit Summit-Cas tilla road raid will vilI cost I It consists of resurfacing with plant plan mix miles of highway I Preston G. G Peterson acting chairman chairman chair chair- man of the state highway commission said hand labor will be used on both bott projects as much as possible In order to furnish the largest possible amoun amount of employment I Minimum wages and working hours I will be announced after a conference this week between the contractors state and federal highway officials e I |