Show Baseball Comedy Paramount's Paramount Next Joe E. E Brown the star with th the cooled air-cooled tonsils will arrive Friday at the Paramount to brighten th the season with his most uproarious comedy come come- dy Elmer dy Elmer The Great Adapted from franz Ring Lardner baseball hit i it tells the splitting side-splitting story of th the therise therise rise of a league bush batter to star sta position with the Chicago Cubs Cub In addition to being the champion batsman of his home town Elmer i is also the towns town's champion eater an and sleeper His cocksureness makes make him the butt of innumerable jokes b bythe by bythe the other members bf tt the t team tam am He H fin finally lIy decides to join after muc much by his best girl and a cout scout from the big league Patricia Ellis is w well ll cast as Elmers Elmer's rura rural sweetheart and Claire Dodd score a athe as the big town girl who Involves himin himin him mm in a a. a love tangle that threatens to lose the series for lor the Cubs Joes Joe's batting average for or laughs I In Elmer The Great j is said to set a anew a anew new record A time one baseball s sar sarin a ain r rin in real life Brown has a very con coil technique which ch ad adds to th the the entertainment in the thrilling bas baseball base base- ball sequences Frank McHugh Pres Preston ton Foster Douglas Dumbrille am and t I Emma Dunn are featured Many Man ManyI I familiar famUlar baseball celebrities take tak part in the scenes A Mack Sennett comedy Daddy Knows Best with Walter Catlett heads the supporting bill which is completed by a novelty Rambling I I t I Around Radio Row with Paul Whiteman Whiteman Whiteman White- White man and the Rhythm Boys and Paramount Paramount Para Para- mount sound news Ruth Chatterton 1 Is being seen fo for forthe the last times today In Lilly Tur Tur- ner ncr |