Show I Which V Pals Pals' Do Boys Prefer r- r Physical or Mental Equals a 11 F IT I Albert Edward Wiggam D. D Sc Lets Let L e t s 5 E Explore I or e Your i A our Mind A Fascinating With Fruit The of the Author Family ot Tree I 1 S 74 DO BOYS BOVe SEEK COMPANIONS V 0 Ot OJ 1 THEIR k E I R OWN 4 AGE L r AND L LEVEL VEL s. s RATHER THAN oi OP THEIR OWN MENTAL ASE I Il rit AND LEVEL l I oR NO WI z Th 11 I J 3 2 WOULD LO LOVERS 5 PAY PA ATTENTION TTE TI N ie IT PO 51 BLe FOR AN W INTROVERT ET I AND AVOID MARRIAGE WRECKS ONE WHO LIVES LV WIT l IF JF W WE SHOULD PLACE SUITABLE HIMSELF I 1 TO CHANGE HI HIMSELF STOP LO LOOK K AND INTO AN Ats EXTROVERT T ONE WHO WO O ON on n THE E HIGHWAY OF LOVE LIVES LIVE MORE IN INThE THE WORLD HIMSELF Y OR NO oft p NO COPYRIGHT o JOHN D DILLE I LL CO Authors Author's Note These Note These answers arc are given riven from the scientific point of view Not all aU moral questions an ean be answered with absolute scientific accuracy but no decision as u to what is morally right is possible without science Science puts the rights iF of or organized society above the the rights of individuals I. I This This highly important point has been een extensively studied by Lavinia Warner of Ohio State university Thirteen Thirteen Thir- Thir teen cen boys boys' gangs were studied d and it was found that invariably th these e gangs were composed of ot boys of almost the same ame mental Ie level vel although they differed dif dif- ered widely in age Beyond question the he mental level rather than the physical physical phys- phys ical cal level levelis is the deciding factor 2 Amazingly 2 possible One On of ot my friends a consulting psychologist has hasa a scheme that often wor works work wonders with the introvert This psychologist requires an Introvert to write down every very every da day at least three creditable things he has hns done or traits he pos- pos esses I knew one woman who vho at first could not think of a single creditable creditable credit credit- able ble thing she had ever done in lii her life Finally she thought of ot one she had lad always cooked good meals for forer her er working hard father Gradually she he added to the list and the other da day ay came came in locking like a new woman woman woman wo wo- wo- wo man and had sixty seven fine things she he had thought of ot about herself If you ou are arc a up bottled-up introvert try it i how Bow to Win an Argument A page 24 booklet by Albert Edward Wiggam D. D Sc Se presenting the scientific findings find find- ings based ings-based based upon the study of I oooo Interviews I Six practical principles are I explained This booklet should I prove of ot Immense practical I value to business men and woI women wo wao I men salesmen lawyers and all aU allI I who contact the public I 10 cents in coin or stamps to toI I rover over printing and stamped addressed ad I dressed return envelope AdI Ad- Ad I Wiggam care of this I newspaper Just ask for Winning Winning Win Lg ning Arguments and find out what a good fellow you really are 3 They They wo the sign were v re re- re enforced by public opinion I have vis visited obe one large community in this country where when a young man and woman begin going together they are arc called before the elders and asked If U their intentions intentions' arc are serious If they are the two arc are separated without without without with with- out communication in different communities communities com corn for one year When they meet again if it they are arc still in love they go ahead as lovers have always done One of ot the leaders informed me there had been only one divorce among many thousands of ot marriages In three forty-three years It seems to me methis methis methis this answers the question If It we could only behave like sensible creatures crea crea- tures lures instead o of like human beings this splendid pl plan could easily be made universal |