Show Sisters Motifs For Smart SmartT T a aCo Co Complimenting Miss Gaylie Rich whose betrothal to Alan E. E Brockbank has has- las been announced the the wedding to take place June 8 8 and lor Miss Gloria Rich who leaves in June for lor Europe Mrs Gilbert Moyle and Miss Jane Wright entertained at a smart tea on Thursday from 4 until 6 p. p m. m at the C. C E. E Wright home on Circle CircIe way The home was gay with early summer summer sum sum- mer flowers and orchid and pink tulips in Iii a silver vase and orchid candles in silver candlesticks decorated decorated decor decor- the tea table which was covered with a handsome lace cloth Presiding Presiding Pre Pro siding at the tea table were were- Mrs L. L H. H Mrs D. D H. H Livingston Livingstan Living Living- ston stan Mrs Charles R. R Mabey and andUrs Mrs Urs W W. W. W Ray Assisting in entertaining entertaining enter enter- taming were Mrs Henry D. D Moyle and Mrs W. W Prescott Dunn Mrs H H. Grover Rich mother of Miss Gaylle Gaylie and Miss Gloria assisted in receiving A group of young girls assisted in serving Sixty-five Sixty guests were invited Miss Laura Snow and Mrs Peter Maden Mad Mad- sen en Jr will give a bridge tea for Miss Gaylie Rich on Friday at the home of f Miss Snow on U streeta street street- a Mr and Mrs William Po ate of East Seventeenth South street announce an an- ounce the engagement of their Phyllis E. E E.- E. to Frank A. A Hut Hul- bert ert son of Mr and Mrs A. A Hulbert of f 1344 Eleventh East street The wedding will take place Frid Friday y at 7 p. p m. m at the home of Mr and Mrs A. A H. H Kelson 1245 Gilmer drive Mrs A. A B. B Greeson has returned from rom California where she has spent the he winter and is at the Hotel Ute on n North Main street |