Show r l' l 0 I r 1 ci f 1 1 0 V- V es 4 t 4 q off tt n i r r 1 ST- ST I 1 t b. b V jf f 10 I i liA t I U ir l' l ft jj ll I t i 7 jJ H WK W r. r K j f w r r vt v.-v v. f J 1 rr- rr 7 y t fI fI lf t 1 f 4 Y v. v J I j t I 7 iA i s Ma j 22 22 1933 a z f- f 1 t le leI c. c may y W H J II J it to i. i V made madei a only Ii i e I claim to be o the n first t Ford Dealer I not If Isu I suppose ose that I Imay may myself w them frequently de deli livered ve red and fre but sold them 9 Detroit to cars from often ten I have driven cars not new The drive away away is Mic Michigan higan to make deli delivery ve ry J Y Indiana or sr had i towns teams in Ohio or where I d dr rove ve r le e T days and th the e people pP o I i roads in those good There The re were no car before motor were 4 seen a They never neve r Doctors were Country C I Ithe enthusiastic customers 1 My first really transportation to aw a wi del Y t to realize the value vale e o f dependable the first scattered scat practice Ford users from some of those first i hear Even today I pees occasionally the cars That Th t is how for to care how mechanics We Vie had to teach local world the everywhere in is now found which ch began Service y Ford that a sale se le does not complete our fro from the beginning that e We believed obligation tion to see us an creates upon I customer it transaction with our their duty to the tile know customers customer S car g gives fives him serVice Ford Dealers our public in this respect that they have been and are men I Ford Dealers generally h of with I can say been have ve i 1 communities Most of th in their and standing of character on basic business pr principles indicates that we agree which us many years the Ford ca car a are e 1 hods used to sell i I that the metho me The The Company provides who handle it Dealers consistent with the self-respect self of the experience I t I 30 X 1 Ford V 8 is is the the peak of our years i a The p present resent engine is powerful J Its eight cylinder cylinder S 'S f better car made a We have never has hasin hasi oi good looking and is is admittedly ve very ry The car t i and nd smooth running because of riding qualities It i is s economical in n operation t f. f t v comfortable It is the fastest i advanced engine deaf design and low car wei weight i ii i M advanced adv built iv- iv car we have ever v- v h t t I I roomiest and most powerful JS i j. j W Wr 1 r Y r A L L H. H n J L f tv- tv t j 1 I r 1 It Ity y a i AN N EXTRAVAGANCE E EXT 1 R A V AG N t Ir I r 1 1 1 to pay a more l AG A GAMBLE to P pay pay ess Ji less ss I Looking for real reat bargains Ere Every Westinghouse Dual automatic automatic h i sealed cally-sealed Refrigerator is fa a bargain 1 today Nowhere else elle can cut you u obtain such rach value such luch economy at I prices puce only fractionally above ty the very cheapest untried males makes y 1 There is only one one Westinghouse J t. t quality the best that can b be built 7 Come jn in inlet let Iet us prove to you that its it's an an extravagance to pay more a and d a GAMBLE to pay py less Lit Let us us UI f i. i show how you how little it now costa costi to l own a at refrigerator you can be truly proud to show your friends 4 T IfE H House N Needs ed W t. t h 4 It very C S Westinghouse et ouse tS f II i Westinghouse w tr 1 DISTRIBUTED BY p b W d 4 1 Inter Mountain Inter Electric i Company om an t trl 1 IJ 43 13 East South Salt Lake Lak I Dealers Everywhere 1 1 Falk elk Mere Merc Co Boise Bobe Idaho National Theater Su Supply P Kemmerer r w Falk calk Mere Merc Co Ca Caldwell Idaho Wyo Wro Falk alk Mere Merc Co Nampa Idaho Miners Miners' Mere Co Bock Rock Bock Wyo Wolff Imp Co Weller Weiser Idaho Universal Store Rock Bock Sprints Springs Wyo D. D W Martin Marlin Glenns Glenna Ferry Idaho Crystal Bottling A Furn Turn Co Logan Loran McCall McCan Lif Light Licht hi A Pow Co McCall Ida Utah Music Maslo Co Idaho Falls Idaho E E. E B B. B Snow Fam Co St St. George Ut Motor dotor Service Co Wendell Idaho Dutch Service Filimore re Utah lush h. h S S. S L G. G Davis Jerome Idaho Super Super- Service p Payson Utah Motor Co Rupert Idaho Mutual Lumber Co Price Utah Wells Farro Wells Pocatello Idaho Sells Sell Furniture Co Nephi Utah s MUST ST NOT SKID NOR BLO BLOW W OUT e x Mf ti THEY MUST LAST LONGER THAN Ir i j ff TIRES IRES EVER LASTED BEFORE BEFORE- fl U w l f Xi t h 4 1 THEY MUST SELL F FOR R T THE HE SAME SAME d I f i- i ir 1 rii P PRICE R IC E AS 0 ORDINARY R DINAR Y TI TIRES RES I f 1 f y fr f. f i u W N Zt tai N E t. W W PROOFS FATIGUE AT THESE PRICES Sin lint tilts lalla gas Jin Lifts lana MIlls IAIa S Zi 6 10 1 18 J G 1 19 r 20 d' d 4 THOSE were our demands in in developing our in ordinary tire We found a way way way- new proof Fatigue I tires We went far beyond under tons of pressure to force pure rub nth anything ever done in tire tiro building ber her compounds right in into o the weave making We completely redesigned tire treads trends plies pliC practically i indestructible We perfected making proofs Fatigue 95 0 more n non skid non n absolute Laboratory Co Control ot of every mathan mathan ma ma- than the next best leading make We made and process to build this supreme new the treads bigger deeper and thicker We quality into every Fatigue As a final filial perfected Vitalized Vitalised Rubber for the treads treads safeguard we punish proofs Fatigue fay day and entirely new vulcanizing processes Ii night under our o r mountain fleets on the for unheard unheard-of of new non skid non mileage e. e Then worlds world's toughest testing grounds 8 Nonskid skid safety safety- blow out blow safely unheard these tires must mast not blow o out t- t they must outlast nil all other tire tires We discovered a new of long life no e. e extra P price don't dont dorithe satis be-satis ti i kind of cotton Corkscrew we named d it fled fied with just on one feature Get t them e all in inthe the because it never lets go We rejected the new proof Fatigue J tires Springfield Kelly P four cheaper inferior grades o of used rubber used Tire Company 1775 Broadway New York Special saving money-saving in trade plan an Ii change to fo proof Fatigue 1 9 loo Registered tires fires j jLOUIS r LOUIS A. A BAiLEY INC INCI il I J. J ti I East Last 2nd South th St St. Salt Lake City V Utah l lLLOYD r t LLOYD A. A 1 HOOVER TIRE BATTERY r 1 2208 S Washington Ave Aye eh Utah SPRINGFIELD SPRING t. t |