Show l Many lany any Join Hands to Demand Chance at ati i Ballot on Dry Diy Law Legislators Me in Street and Others Ask Voters Voters' Voters Voters' Vot Vot- ers' ers Right Legislators business and civic leaders and the men in the street Joined hands T Thursday to crack the whip of over Governor Henry H. H Blood Bloods Blood's s' s head While the governor remained noncommittal non committal on the prop proposal al for a sp special cial ial session opinion of resubmission resubmission- isis that the legislature would allow allowa a vote on prohibition was more f firm irm- irmy ly y clinched when another er opposition legislative vote swung into the resubmission resubmission mission column Representative A. A R. R Creer CD D. D Utah who voted against the Paterson Patterson Pat Pat- terson erson resolution at the twentieth of ot th the legislature announced he le would support resubmission at a special pedal session The Patterson resolution passed the he senate and lacked but eight votes in n the house Five of those eight votes votes- otes have changed In addition to Mr r. r Creer they are Representatives Gilbert Gilbert Thatcher Thatcher and Joseph L. L Peterson Peterson Peter- Peter son on CD D. D Weber Darrell T T. Lane Lazie H. H C. C Pope and Mrs A. A C. C Lund D. D Salt Lake ake contend three other votes will switch before a special cial lal session is called Mr Creer's colleagues from Utah county were divided in their opinions ions bILl ons on a 1 special session for slen cn Representative Eldred M. M Royle oyle CD D. D deplored the fact a resubmission resubmission mission was resolution not passed last session and was firm in his opinion that tat the prohibition amendment should hould be submitted to popular vote vole TWO NONCOMMITTAL Representatives Jess Hall CD D. D and Elmer Holdaway Idaway H CD D. D were noncommittal noncommittal noncommittal noncom noncom- on the proposal Representative Arch McKInnon McKinnonD f D. D Rich ich also came forward to urge re- re submission He Hc voted for the thel P Paterson Patterson Pat Pat- terson erson resolution last session Members of the Democratic Dem cratic state executive committee W Wed Wed- d- d d- d afternoon n with Gov Governor Blood outlining the stand of the com committee m in favor of ot resubmission Jh Those hose e who at attended ended t the e in meeting eting were w re Continued on on Page Pi l MANY JOIN IN URGING BALLOT Continued ud from Irom Pare Par Thirteen Leonard A. A Brennan Br author oJ of 0 the commit committees committee's s 's motion Chairman Delbert Delbert Del Del- bert M. M Dra Draper r S. S P. P Dobbs of Ogden Ogden Og Og- den and John Jolin A A. Hendricks of Og Og- den Meanwhile business and civic leaders leaders leaders lead lead- ers continued to agitate for lor mission The Telegram reporters also continued to obtain random interviews in Interviews from pedestrians in the business bunness busi bun ness district asking aking their opinions without discrimination W. W D. D Rishel secretary of the Utah Automobile association associations said Any sane person who is 13 minded lair will admit there is a strong majority opinion opinion ion in these United States that the question of ot whether the nation and the various stat states should be wet or ordry ordry ordry dry should be placed before the people at once to be decided by vote With this fact act before us it is 5 the thc duty of our elective officers to give the people the privilege of casting their respective votes and decide th this l qu question by majority vote I I do not agree with those who advocate ad ad- vacate the sale of liquor for lor revenue purposes because the question is strictly a moral one and a moral question should not be decided from Irom froma Iroma a monetary point of view If U If I were the governor governor of Utah I would immediately caU call a spec special session of the legislature and request that body to p pass ass a resolution submitting submit ting hag the question of amending the liquor clause in the state constitution tion and request that a special election elec tion be authorized at once so the people could pass pew on this question HOLDS CONTEMPT I 1 have nothing but contempt for lor any person who does not have the moral courage to let the public know where he stands on prohibition or any other question of public importance I Therefore let me say personally I 1 always have been I am now and always will be be bone dry I voted dry when this state went dry because because be be- cause I thought it was for lor the best interests of the state and nation If given another opportunity I will vote wet because prohibition has made drunkards caused cawed more crim crime corrupted corrupted cor cor- J more young people than was ever dreamed of in the old saloon days The old saloon with its drunken bums was a moral paradise compared I with the modern modem speakeasy patronized patronized patron patron- by young high school boys and girls iris Bring the liquor vice and it is Li a avice avice avice vice out in the open op-en where we can at least give it some semblance of control Lauren W. W Gibbs president and manager of the Lauren W. W Gibbs company com corn pany Were a special se session ion of ot the legislature called to decide the tax levy the question of submission of the prohibition section to the state constitution should in my ray opinion be included in the subject matter considered I believe as does docs the church of which I am a member that mankind is greatly harmed by the theof use of intoxicants and further believe be lieve that prohibition even as a. at pros pres ent enacted is is for lor or- or ora a long span of years for lor the best good of the greatest great great- est eat number I L I believe further lurther however as docs does the church of which I am ama a member that my opinions and desires should not restrict the rights of others oth oth- ers and further that the constitution of the United States is based upon the laws Jaws being made by the will of the people under a majority rule WOULD GIVE CHANCE There is some question as 83 to whether the will of the majority is being exerted at the thc present time Inthe Inthe in inthe the liquor I feel leel it only fair that those who disagree with me should have an opportunity to learn whether they or whether I am Inthe in inthe inthe the majority I do feel leel however that the pressure brought on the governor governor gover gover- gover 1 nor has been somewhat untimely and andI I am sure that were I in his position my action in calling a special session would be bemore more hesitant because of the apparent drive to force his affirmative af at decision Jeremiah Stokes Oakwood street The people of Utah In thelast the thelast thelast last election spoke overwhelming in favor of resubmission of the entire liquor qu question tion and Governor Henry H. H Blood is obligated to have the matter mat mat- matter ter placed before the voters at the earliest possible time Jack Sears Fourth avenue Free agency of the majority is an essential of the American system of government and only by sion slon can the will of the majority on the prohibition question be determined deter deter- mined L. L B. B Hammock East First South street Although I am a staunch prohibition supporter I feel leel that citizens whose e opinions differ from mine have a right to vote on the liquor question I favor resubmission resubmission mission so the will of the majority can be determined A. A E. E Granger Eighth East street t To delay resubmission of a question that has aroused such popular popular lar agitation as prohibition is la contrary contrary contrary con con- to the fundamental principles government P. P J. J Elsey Park street I r am only one of many of-many many hundreds hundred of Utah voters who are just aching for lor a chance to vote on the prohibition amendment to the state constitution John Dickinson Gerard avenue Let the will of ot the majority rule but we cant can't tell who is b in the majority majority ma ma- until they let us vote Stanley J. J Stephenson 60 Eleventh Eleventh Elev Elev- East str street t When such widespread widespread widespread wide wide- spread demands exist for lor a change it itIs itIs Is Lc only in line with the times that Utah electorate be given an opportunity to vote on the resubmission proposal i F. F H. H Richardson 1321 East S South uth Temple Every Everyone one is entitled to tobis his bis own opinion ou this prohibition qu question tion but the only way to find lind out where the preponderance of ot senI sen zen lies is to submit the resubmission resubmission I mission proposal to the voters |