Show J d F BUGLE CONTEST IS EXPECTED TO TOt ATTRACT I Big Crowd Cro Expected at PatrI Pat I. I otic Pr gram on Saturday ay Picture Picure on page 9 Plans are being made to 1000 spectators at the thAn th Annual annual an An- an- an nual T Telegram patriotic con contest to co be beheld beheld held heId at Liberty park Saturday at ISO p p. m m. in i which the 1200 buglers bugles's bugler drummers drum drum- dr- dr mers ners and color guards guard of the 36 corps corps' In the city schools will wi take part pat crp Many distinguished gu guests ts including ing lag Governor Henry H. H Blood Blo Lui Louis A. A Johnson Johon of Clarksburg W. W Wv V. V national na- na tonal commander of the American l legion gion former fermer Governor Charles R. R R Mabey Utah department commander of the American legion Mayor Louts Louis Lui Marcus and members of ot the city commission commission com com- com com- mission members member of ot the board of education education edu edu- du- du cation Dr J. J T T. Wonton Worlton assistant superintendent of schools school Alma Ama Clayton Clay ton tn head of the school attendance department Police Chief W. W L. L L Paye Payne Fire ire Chief Chie Walter Waler S. S Knight Parent Parent- Parent c t t a I I I i I J J 1 I Teacher eacher Uon all 1 pr prin principals representatives of the United Spanish Wa Veterans Vetera ad and officers of the he Salt SaIt Lake c council of Boy Scouts are re expected to attend Captain Captai C. C C B. B I Smith of headquarters battery bater field artillery will wi be officer the of day and J J. J V. V Buckle Bucke patriotic director of the of-the the United Spanish Spanish Span Span- ish sh War Veterans Veteran will wi be master of ceremonies Among the speakers will wU be Ben L. L Rich newly elected vice president predent general for the te western states state of the national society society Sons Son of the the- American Revolution Judge Judge- George A. A A Goates of the Juvenile court and Dr Wonton Worlton SCOUTS Seventy-five Seventy Boy Scouts Scout of of- the various troops troop of the Salt the th Salt Sal Lake Lake Lake-coun counci coun- coun cil cli ci will wi be hand beon-hand on hand to corps in finding their tI proper places and in i handling the program The first feature on the thc program will wU be the finals fina in Inthe the individual bugle c contest in which the te n s of the preliminary contest to t be beheld beheld beheld held at 11 1 a a. a m. m m will wi compete The Te preliminary contest conte will i be held at t Continued on S Pare Page Pae Nineteen I. I BUGLE iOLE CONTEST iS JS EXPECTED TO 1 f I continued from Iron Paso Pare Thirteen bandstand with each school entering cn en the e ering one bugler The playoff will wil at p. p m. m thc the bugle The patriotic contest with f of all schools school participating will o 22 t at 2 p. p m. m Each school will start its flag ceremonies in turn 1 will be judged on appear appear- corpS the flie Se deportment flag ceremonies anee calLs caUs Prizes including a aMM av K and nd drum and two snare drums drum WI willbe will v be MM bUS bass awarded d to the first three place InnerS All parents rents teachers school chitren chil chit In- In especially area ren and the public arc are More to attend than 0 Telegram medals presented to tc bars were t and md nd members service reIce of 01 the bugle corps of ol the Jackson Washington the junior and Wasatch schools if Jackson special programs held Wednesday t taking it ithe i n part the speakers Among if Dr Dr- Worlton Wonton M It t the programs were W 1 Georee Georae Seaman rOT ron on rot Clarton tr the e E. E EA A. A Wedgwood camp No 1 U sU t V S S. S W. W V. V Mrs Minnie B. B Hansen department t president t of the U. U S. S past V auxiliary and W. W H. H Farnes Fames of Wedgwood camp Included the the guests guest attending were Mrs imong bong senior vice president of ZeU Zell Turner L. L 8 the Wedgwood auxiliary Arthur I the senior vice commander of Miller I Wedgwood camp and W. W L. L Clark COMPLIMENT MEMBERS J Members of the corps were complimented their te and i on showing that they have made fine the f during the school year in conducting patriotic services in the the daily sights I One of the most inspiring within the confines of Salt tobe 10 be seen 1 Lake is the raising of the Stars and andi i before tile work day begins Stripes schools Dr t rat zt t any anyone one of our public Worlton Wonton said The liThe fundamental pure purree pur pur- ree e of the public school Js is to Rive give ive fr training i ing in those personal qualities I which will prepare the youth to as asI assume as- as I as-I I sume the responsibility of citizenship of oil Since this includes a knowledge the flag code and of the American principles and ideals typified b by the flag it is fitting that children have dally daily exercises of this patriotic n na na-I na I. I lure ture An important factor act r in thil training Is the proper emotional atti- atti t it tilde de toward joward the flag tag This Is fostered the he splendidly organized bugle bugl to be found in all the schools o 0 othe the city The Salt Lake Lak Telegram i i- ito be congratulated for its interest in these patriotic I f The program at the Washington was conducted under the di direction di- di I of Miss Mw Elizabeth Bond principal principal prin- prin cipal cipa and Miss Melba Clark bugle corps sponsor Medals were awarded to Captain Jack Paul Sagers r Walter Waiter Noall Keith Carr Horst Lud- Lud wl George Vaun Roylance 1 Dale Rector Howard Parlin Eugene L l Carlisle Monroe Farnsworth Joseph Edwin Thomas Warren Howard Wilard Wil- Wil rard ard Mann Jack McBride Martin Ludwig Clifford Burbidge Royce Leslie Fyans and Bobby Brad- Brad ley v The awards were presented by Mrs f j Ella Bush junior vice president of the the Utah department of the U. U S. S J j V W. V. V and assistant patriotic inv in- in v and Mrs Louise Young pa- pa instructor for lor the John F. F Critchlow camp No 3 p. p Those receiving awards at the JackIOn Jackion Jack- Jack ion ton and Jackson junior high schools were ere Bryant Billings Raymond Wen- Wen Jay Lees Bert Hall Marcus v Ralph Martin Frank Scott Marvin Cudney Daniel l. l and Franklin Griffiths Marcus Ur Ur- Ur- Ur is captain and Dell Fair- Fair r banks is sponsor L j MEDALS DALS PRESENTED I i Under the direction of ot A. A E. E Arner Arne Arne- r R Mn lI principal a program was pro pre ren tented d at the school in honor cf f the bugle corps Alter After the presen presen- tation of the medals the Parent- Parent Teacher association n. n under the Ion tion of Mrs John president K u. George L. L Harris vice president land aad M Mrs J. J A. A Blackham room mother moth moth- er chairman awarded the members ci the corps pennants for their bugles I I. I Those receiving awards were Capi Cap- Cap i Iain Lee Harris year two-year Keith smith and Willard Smith assistant j Richard Barnes Heaton Bwker arker Douglas Brown Wayne I j frown own mown Richard Burt Jay Ferrin errin LeI Leoy Le- Le I rp oy 1 Hansen Harlan Larsen Rudy I I- I w Howard Coward Luker Daune PhilI Phila Phil- Phil I a Budd BuddI Prows Vernon Eugene Robinson Gunnar Desmond Thomas Don True Don Volk yolk Kenneth Carlsen Reid Hansen Dean Olsen and Richard Rollo buglers buglers buglers bu bu- bu- bu and Jack Scare Seare Jack Haley Donald Newman and Shirley Winter color guards Hundreds of at students student and many parents attended the pr presentation ceremonies at the Wasatch school held under the direction of Mrs Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn Eve Eve- lyn R. R McCoy principal and Miss Ellamae Clark sponsor Those receiving year two-year awards were Captain Billy Boyer Barnet Banar Bonar Bonar Bo- Bo nar Bobby Jensen Charles fel Charles Hosmer Bill Clawson Standford Darger David Bullen and Edward The Telegram medals were awarded to the following follow follow- followIng following ing Bud Chamberlain secretary Francis Cowley Kenneth Robert Rober Ellis Charles Thorne Thome Tommy Miles Tommy Bintz Spencer Felt Pelt Powers Kane Bill Pingree Sam Kellock Kellock Kellock Kel- Kel lock Calvin Cowley Dick DIbblee Henry Tanner Jimmie Gillespie Bob Jon Jones Son Siegel and Pat Emery |