Show FISTS FLY AS YANKS WIN RIOT RESULTS RESUl IS ISAS AS OLD RIVALS RENEW BATTLE Melee Begins as Chapman Slides Into Senator Second Second Second Sec Sec- ond Baseman By HUGH HUG S. S FULLERTON JR Associated Press Sports Writer The makings of another cause ccle cele celebre bre in baseball were seen today in th the violent which marked t I h e concluding game of the opening open between ing series I the New York Yankees Yan Yan- kees and Washington Washing Washing- rz ton Senators The fight livel liveli est in the major majo Ir leagues in lu many seasons came as ms a late aftermath o othe of the clash between Bill Dickey Yan I kee catcher anc and Carl Reynolds then playing fo for Washington last las July 4 Most Yankee Chapman Senator games since then have been marked by harsh riding and occasional accusations of spiking that grew more frequent during the recent series There wano wa was until Ben Chapman Chap Chap- Chapman no violence however man of the Yanks slid into Buddy Myer in the fourth inning yesterday when the Washington second sacker was trying to make a throw to first fo for fora a double play POLICE STEP IN Myer took a k kick ck at Chapman Chapman vho who came up with his fists flying Before it was all allover over the two original combatants com corn and Earl Whitehill and Fred Walker who took important roles ina in ina a second outburst had been banished from the game police reserves had hac been called in to restore order anc and several of the more active fans tans who joined the fray had been arrested Although President Will Harridge of the American league withheld com corn comment ment pending receipt of the umpires umpires' reports it was expected that fines anc and perhaps suspensions would be handed out freely The Yankees apparently needed only some such spur to get them started started start start- ed for the rally that had just begun when the fighting broke out developed developed devel devel- Into a slugfest that netted the world champions a 16 to 0 victory 8 as they poled out 21 hits including horners horn homo ers era by Lou GehrIg and Tony TODY Lazz rl while Russell Van Atta a re recruit ruit from St. St Paul held the Senators to five blows BATTERS GET GOING Other Othet teams In both leagues also began to hit more freely with some unexpected results The Boston R Red d Sox pounded Lefty Grove of off the hill In five innings and handed Philadelphia's Phila- Phila delphias delphia's Athletics a 6 to 4 trimming Cleveland turned back the St St. Louis Browns 4 to 1 I when Catcher Frank starting his first game clouted a homer with two on base in lathe inthe the seventh sev seventh ev inning Jim Bottomley pounded out his third homer with two aboard to clinch a 5 to 3 victory for Cincinnati over the Chicago Cubs The St. St Louis Cardinals Car Cur partly inspired by the return of Rogers Hornsby to action and with Bill Hallahan on the mound to chalk up his third victory hammered three pitchers for a D 10 to 3 triumph over the league-leading league Pittsburgh Pirat Pirates s. s Young Hal Schumacher pitched the second place New York Giants to an 8 2 victory over Brooklyn allowing only five ive hits Th The Phillies handed the Boston Braves a 7 1 lacing as Dick Bartell clouted four doubles to equal I the major league record and Virgil Davis cracked a homer with one on The Detroit-Chicago Detroit game same in the American league was stopped by snow |