Show BACKSEAT DRIVING Handicapping Knowledge She Rules Hard Q Guys ys S Just Between Friends n By Dy FRANK K I. BAKER DAKER Telegram Sports sports' Editor Its It's Difficult to Keep From Worrying Now dont don't worry How many times have w we heard that that admonition knowing full lull well that it wouldn't do a bit of good A doctor who knows about all nIl the ailments that could result from an Injury could easily casily worry himself sick if hed he'd let et himself think about all the thc ills that might come to him Its It's the same way in athletics Professional Professional Pro S Tom McHugh of ForestDale ForestDale Forest ForestDale Dale expressed the problem eloquently eloquent eloquent- ly during a team match at the Country Country Coun Coun- try club this week I 1 wish he said while waiting for one of his foursome companions to tee tec of off oU on No 13 that I 1 didn't know so much about the game I 1 remember I told that pupil yesterday yester d day y to keep his left leU arm straight that I 1 told the woman player this morning to keep her he head down and that I warned the beginner about making the too swiftly What happens I get to thinking about those things and how those players were making those mistakes until I overdo my efforts to keep I from doing the same thing and look worse than a a beginner myself That is Indeed one ODe of be the handIcaps handicaps handicaps handi handI- caps of being an Instructor In sports and particularly In coif olt Professionals who t teach ach often have to practice themselves for 30 to 40 minutes tes to ret get their fame Iame trued up again The They are prone prone to Imitate tho the student In practice to point out the faults th that t must mud be corrected and aDd In Inso Inso so so 10 doIng put a temporary crimp In their own Woman Still Runs Gym Her Husband Operated Its It's a long ways from the role of ofa ofa ofa a housewife to that o of a gymnasium manager but Mrs Barney Dempsey sister law to the former worlds world's heavyweight champion Jack champion Jack Dempsey Demp Demp- sey sey-is sey is making the step with flying Dying colors Mrs Dempsey has been managing a gym for prize fighters in Los Angeles since the death of her husband six months ago Barney had operated the gym for eight years The gym established by the Utah Mauler for his brother has been pop pop- ular Champions galore have trained there and still do Mickey Walker as as welter king trained there Tommy Loughran former light heavyweight champion Fidel LaBarba flyweight champ and the Mauler himself are arc others Babe Palmore Pete Steve Hamas s Max Baer and a number of lesser lights train there now Jack wanted his sister law to live Jive at the hotel he owns in Los Angeles when Barney died but she declined because the hotel was no place for her dog or flower lower gardens I 1 wouldn't feel at home she said and rand besides the gym kept Barney and m me for eight years and now it has lias to keep m me mc S Th They y never outgrow their ambitions am In sports Henry Jones Janel of Provo who I is b well welt alon along alone in his forties has flung another challenge chall chal challenge l lenge at By Ily Sharman and Ralph Morley lorley for the wrestling title In the welterweight welterweight welter welter- weight division n. n Jones has a belt belthe belthe belthe he once onee won for his prowess and and says bes be's willing willingto to stake that as aswell well as his share of the receipts on his ability to lick either or both The has 1123 taken on considerable ble weight with his rising years but claims he can make In pounds all right Hes He's on the weekly card at the arena this week but isn't Im satisfied because neither Hy Ily Sharman nor Morley is his opponent |