Show New Stage Band Hit at Orpheum A new band outfit is making jt Its appearance at the Orpheum theater this week and Is fast winning popular papu Ian lar favor Under the baton of Owen Sweeten new personality on the stage Jerry Beesley and his orches tra is topping the presentation of Spanish Fiesta which officially opens the new R-K-O R vaudeville revue revue re reo re- re vue idea Twelve musicians comprise corn com prise the group swinging into semi semi- classical numbers as well as the hit tun tunes of the day I Vince Silk another attraction in the revue gets Sets a round of applause with his nonsense To finish his skit Silk goes gocs into a musical recitation which completes his versatility The Three execute some dif dlf hand turns and close with a taking breath body throw over a bab baby grand rand piano The O R-K-O arc are seen In three numbers opening with a rhythmic rhythmic mic rumba followed by a waltz in full Cull flowing gowns and then with a totem routine This group departs from the us usual nl line of ot soubrettes beIng be be- ing tall girls who each display their ability to step in unison easily Francis Fran Francia cis cia Farney Smoke and Idaho Rodeo Peters Petel's and rind others fill the thc sta stage e program which is headed by the famous Sw Sweeten eten Lionel Barrymore finds a drama to suit his giants giant's stride In Sweepings now on the screen which concerns itself stirringly with a mans man's ruthless ruthless ruth ruth- less absorption in his tremendous business and his hopeless hope for his children He builds fortune and family and finds one the downfall of the other |