Show President Names Wyoming Woman For Post oi of Director of U U. S S. Mint Dr Associated Associate Press WASHINGTON April 26 lG 26 President dent Roosevelt today nominated Mrs Nellie Tayloe Ross Ros former governor of Wyoming to be director of the mint min t. t The president also sent to the senate sen sea ate the nomination of Laurence A. A of ot New York to be minister minister minis minis- ter to Sweden He named Charles Jr of Massachusetts to be solicitor of the thel l labor department It also developed today that Charles E. E Addams of Arizona who has been slated for president of the civil service ser vice commission probably will be shifted shined to some somo other post in the ad ad- ministration This was made known with the explanation ex cx- that Lewis Douglas of Anzona Arizona Ari An- zona already had been made director of the bud budget et and some other state was entitled to the civil service job Addams is a former Democratic chairman In Arizona It was no not in who now Is in line for the civil service position nor what post Addams was likely to get Mrs Ross long has been active Instate in instate instate state and national Democratic politics politics politics poli poli- tics having served as vice chairman for the party's national committee prior to an and through the Roosevelt campaign last year yeal R. R J. J Grant director of the mint since 1923 has resigned effective at once to become adviser for the Chinese Chi Chi- nese nose national nation ll government central mint at Shanghai Grant who was food tood administrator for Colorado during the World war was appointed superintendent of ot the Denver mint in iii 1921 and two years later was placed in charge of the governments governments government's governments government's gov gov- entire mint system For 30 years ears before entering the government service he engaged in mining In the we west t. t Grants Grant's resignation resignation tion was accepted and he expects to isail sail early next month for his new post |