Show ROUND AROUND the OWN Salt alt Lake Sidelights The mystery of the mL missing ing jury st t added a bit of humor to the conspiracy trial of ot Fred E. E Williams Ogden city commissioner in fed fed- court Tuesday cral Adds add s. s H Humor mor The mystery was Trial after DC Dc- disclosed to f Attorney Lindy Lind- Lind a remark had made nade a my B y R B R. R Rogers Mr testimony fy the morning Krs referred to the presence of ofA ofA prohibit prohibition on A A. A G r G. G Miller special beside ta table le agent agent Wt at the counsel assistant United George H. H Lunt district attorney who is prose prose- the case casc fe He has been there right along Ind nd had the jury list right in m front of to help you when the jury jur was scle selected ted Mr Rogers said to Lunt Mr disappeared dis dis- that list has m mysteriously appeared now Mr Lunt answered his opponent looking directly at across cross the table The latter laUer grinned baCk During h-During noon recess Mr Lunt jok- jok ok- ok J offered to bet Mr Ro Rogers rs that the list was Va at that moment reposIng repos- repos ing in the latter's portfolio The bet was not accepted in the afternoon the list again appeared on the counsel table If Mr Lunt expected an explanation from Mr Rogers he was rewarded with only another grinI grin I 43 Hats off oU lit It is estimated that these two words of ten tell times Ire re e used on the average daily in the United States district court by A. A J. J Davis head bail bailiff whose chief responsibility is to see seeth th that t proper decorum is is observed inthe inthe in inthe the federal court g I t Incidentally M r Davis s is always re- re e flair Elair Only m I j n d dIn i n g spectators Covering that decorum in the Allowed federal court is of a aI arK I Kg rK more serious nature than in the state city and police courts and as long as he is ba bailiff liU enter the courtroom will no person no person with his rus hat on of two attorneys attorneys at at- tHe fHe H tells the story young oung who were appointed to defend de de- fend nd a man charged with possession of narcotics of The attorneys had just finished a law course at the University University sity of Utah and were proud as they could be to appear in the federal court ourt they came into the chambers nattily attired and each wearing a straw hat slightly tilted on one side Mr Davis said When the case opened their new hats were piled on a chair beside them but after they had been severely se see se- se verely er ly rebuked by the judge one hat r reposed on the floor outside the courtroom courtroom courtroom court court- room and the th oth other r o bithe on the hat facie WhO IWho moved them WAh Ah you guess o t |