Show Daily Health Service Physical Rest Needed by Persons Over Six Sixty y By Dr MORRIS IOnnIS FISHBEIN The hygiene of old age as Dr Barker Bar Bar- ker describes it is relatively simple Peo People le over 60 should avoid overexertion overexertion over over- exertion either Ither bodily or mental They must have h ve more rest and fewer hours of ot mental worry All exercises should be gentle and new forms o of exercise must be betaken taken up very grad grad- Gard Gardening is a fine form torm of exercise Ise for elderly people leople Retiring Retiring Re Re- tirI tiring g from roni an active life should als also aIso be grad gradual al rather than sudden It ItIs i ithe is the experience of years that that that-an an abrupt retirement from business or life may be Dr Barker feels feelS' that the us use o of tobacco In ln reasonable amounts is permissible permissible permissible per per- to those who have used J it throughout life but there are some som diseases such as high blood pressure an angina ina pectoris or end ob ob- ob also called Buergers Buerger's disease disease di di- sease sense in Jn which it is probably best to abandon smoking entirely His views regarding alcohol ar arc also interesting nt He says In condi condi- ions in which the use of alcohol i inot is not prohibited a little wine or beer bee or oran an occasional cocktail a glass o of whisky and water or a may be much appreciated appreciate by older I R persons person nid and bc beneficial rather than harmful harm harm- ful J although any excessive use we should be discouraged An excessive intake of water throws s san an extra strain on the heart It is is also desirable for older people to eat less food than formerly Indeed ter the age of 55 one should eat less less' each year Meals in addition to being small small should consist of easily digested foo foods particularly less meat and fats Moreover all ap foods that that caus cans indigestion such as rich and highly spiced foods should be avoided It is also well to cat eat slowly and to food thorough thorough- ly There are are two periods of life He in iri which h liquid food IS is best borne by the stomach first childhood and second sec ond childhood Th The older consider ive small meals are better suited to his hi intestinal condi tion than three large ones Copyright 1933 EA Service Inc |