Show 1 I I RADIO RADO i 1 f 1 And Nothing I IElse Else But Butt Butr But But- I t r Youve You've waited for this a this a shop that devotes devotes devotes de de- de- de votes all its Eltten- Eltten attention atten atten- attention tion to the interests of radio fans i Sl 1 Come in and rand get acquainted Keep in touch with the developments developments developments de de- de- de in the fascinating ting realm of radio r r Exclusive II Lines I We have made a ra I critical survey of the field and picked for our ur patrons the two best lines made TONE NU-TONE Sets and VIN Loud Lou d Speakers See them We Maintain the Best Service Shop in the World t RADIO SHOP d I I Inc ilI il I 32 West 2nd South Salt Lake City tx jt it j r Reward e for a at box fox worth SOC He lie was miles from home in a land where cooks fried cv everything and all hi his Stuarts Stuart's Stu rt's tablets in in a trunk they couldn't find Ill give almost anything to get gee it he told me for I can eat cat anything in the world when when I 1 take a tablet after after- ward An And otherwise I have to pamper my stomach like a Ailments ts like dyspepsia Indigestion sour stomach are stomach are not ca caused sed by bi what jou OU cat Give your digestive system a little scientific he help p. p And eat what you like Yes even doughnuts baked beans I dishes cooked coked with onions onions onions Stuarts Stuart's dyspepsia dyspepsia dys- dys dys- dys tablets give your stomach the alka- alka lint it needs needs and and that's all there is to it Eat your our fill and dont don't fear acidity gas or distress in any form Men end i n l women of every age in all walks ol life have sworn by Stuart Stuart's for Stuarts for s for more than thirty years Your First Box FREE A y druggist in in the tc land has Stuarts Stuart's dyspepsia tablets A big box is only they Ire are less than a penny apiece apiece So So why suffer Get a metal box or of Stuarts Stuart's for the pocket pocket and and keep it filled I One box rw if you ou write the F. F A. A Stuart Company Dept B fl Marshall Mich STUARTS STUART'S DYSPEPSIA LET SI r L I I FRIEr DS SAY SHE IS PICTURE OF HEAL HEALTH 11 1 I I cannot give too m many nY health thanks and aJr for strength It brought o after re everything everything- back V th my else failed taIled and arid nearly all hope ot of getting well had left me Is the grateful statement of of Mrs l Sarah h Duckett Stomach trouble and rheumatism had been gradually weakening me down for tor 20 years ears At times I ached all over could not walk without limping and felt too weak to get out but butof of my chair chait Sleep was almost out of the question and I was nervous discouraged and despondent When I began taking I Iwas Iwas Iwas was down to lbs Ibs but I now weigh and haven t an ailment In Inthe Inthe the tho world This Is what did for me four years ago and since then I have never been without It In the house J I take a a. bottle now and then and everyone says I am the picture of health What has done for tor others Itcan It Itcan itcan can also do for you For sale by allgood allgood all good druggists Accept no tute tute c Vegetable Pills for constipation constipation constipation pation made and recommended by the manufacturers of T TN LAC FOR UR HEALTH LINES J Ye Every Morning Morning- Through Observation Sleeper to do Dont Don't Wait aft Till I j r the 9 Minute San 1 T D' D ONT VONT ON T wait till a sudden ch change Bt L 7 4 iq ill the weather brings out the overcoats and makes the bottom of Hof of Lv Salt Lake City am a.m. your coal bin show up like a sore I Ar San Francisco next Francisco thumb Order next day 1030 am a.m. r coal now now and and get ret bin FILLED your Thence nine famous tit trains to Make It CASTLE GATE or CLEAR CLEAn Los Angeles Coast and Valley Valt Val Val- t CiT CREEK coal lon coal long coal long g burning low burning low In a ash ah h- h over t high heating beating and of uniform quality I ley lines It C Costs t s Ask Ah IoS Your Dealer I Its It's the No oM More Morea a per Most way to t e UTAH UL CO the Coast Via wondrous Lake Tahoe route over Lucin Cutoff off roundtrip p to Judge Building Salt Lake Cit City an and d a along 1 ong the th e rim rim 0 of f scenic Am Amer American er Los Angeles via f ican River Canyon 2 other 2 2 other popular trains daily Return limit convenient connections at 8 months s Ogden Stopovers a Ask Agent 7 South m Press Bancroft Gen A I Salt Salt L Lake ke City I V Vias Was I y I I A C If C CO A o Cretonne Just line of received attractive Pillows Pillow a beautiful patterns Regular STATE Special I 19 THE BIG STORE 1 BROADWAY A WONDERFUL SALE OF GENUINE Embr Lh Linens At just the opportune time to secure what you need for fall and also ralso for holiday gifts These goods were sold saId to us ui with the understanding we would not ask for any more at near these prices You must see them on Sale Thursday morning The lot includes Napkins Center Covers Round earn and an Sq ware Towels Tov Oblongs Ovals vas and MA MADEIRA DEI R A LINEN OVALS AND INCH 36 ROUND MADEIRA CENTERS MADEI MADEIRA A NAPKINS NS 12 INCH INCH IZ-INCH j 2 doz packed in In box Sale Sale OO OBLONGS OBLONGS All All sizes sizes to in box P 3 50 11 each r price 1 3 95 Sale price pace j to 0 2 39 CENTERS each If MADEIRA NAPKINS 12 INCH 12 INCH Yz 2 doz 45 INCH 45 INCH ROUND MADEIRA Sale Sale ale price LINEN in box Sale price 3 g. g 19 6 95 MADEIRA box f 1 each mch 18 x 36 Inc Inch h Inch mch 18 x 45 Inc h an and d 18 Inch 54 INCH 54 INCH ROUND M. M MADEIRA CE CENTERS N Each Sale prices Each sizes sizes price MADEIRA NAPKINS NAPKINS' INCH 13 12 2 doz 2 Sale Sale price fiG in box Sale price price 8 05 n A 95 3 79 each s 05 5 6 95 box box sU II INCH 72 ROUND MADEIRA CENTERS MADEIRA NAPKINS 13 INCH 13 12 INCH t Yz 2 doz ROUND Sale ale Sale price C J 7 OK MADEIRA LINEN in box Sale Sabi Sal price JI each d J pi 17 s 95 EXTRA SPECIAL box hex box v a INCH 36 I SQUARE QUARE MADEIRA CENTERS 60 60 pieces only on I y inch 18 x 45 mc h. h size INCH 18 ROUND MADEIRA CENTERS Sale Sale price 2 49 Sale Sale I I ft 4 5 sale ale price price 1 CJ 19 each each s each INCH 15 5 INCH SQUARE MADEIRA CENTERS 24 pieces only inch inch size Sale price QC sale salo price iJ 2 98 NEW LINEN ALL-LINEN LUNCH i aSalo ice CLOTHS 54 INCH 54 INCH SQUARE QUARE MADEIRA CENTERS Linen All-Linen Pattern Table TableCloths I With r I-r colored r bolder Sale price Q I I OR Cloths inch si size size each c each 1 1195 I i s sa MADEIRA LINEN TOWELS Sale Sale Several designs inch inch 3 each inch inch size r r 2 08 a price I 29 to I 00 size each a 39 each P a g fA vr MERCERIZED LUNCH CLOTHS CLOTHS' Auerbach's Auerbach s Quality BL IFAn or scalloped white an and color colored d edges Q I y MO MORNING SPECIALS 9 a a. a m. m to FINE ALL WOOL WOOL MIXED 54 54 Inch 54 inch size Size each each 1 f I B 39 9 1 p. p m. m NORTH STAR BLANKETS All large area BLANKETS BLANKS do du double u S SAll bed ed Just enough cotton to S Valley Golden C Creamery rea m ery B Butter u tt er 2 lb lb 95 C sizes pair pair- beautiful plaids PLAID prevent BLANKETS shrinking g At H Home ItI U m e Jemima Aunt Pancake P an cak e Flour our 2 Small for size 25 1298 io to Inch inch size 4 2 lb Ib Lap Brand Dry Shrimp 15 15 I 1995 colors weight pair all 6 C QC 95 For Fall Falland Shredded Wheat Biscuit 10 O OI Limit 4 I NORTH WOOL STAR rA CRIB R WHITE HITE PLAID BLANKETS and Winter a BLANKETS Inch size alze 5 alb ALL DAY SPECIALS I Pair Pair- P 89 to weight colors pair all 8 CO 8 0 QC 95 5 3 W Wear ear Blue Karo S Syrup YAP No 1 11 ll 2 z size 14 f Blue Karo No 21 z 2 i size GRAY BLANKETS BLANKETS SPECIAL PLAID ALL In very b becoming becoming- Syrup n. n size I paIr Heavy weight 3 98 Full WOOL bed BLANKETS size Inch 3 styles In iny all l the developed wanted B Blue lue Karo S Syrup YAP No 5 size SIZe 39 I pLAID cOTTON COTTON binding all 59 95 fabrics In beautiful beau beau- Q 2 Ib lbs Ibs S. S P Powdered ower d ed S Sugar ugar 20 SHEET BLANKETS colors pair pair c color lor combi combi- Seedless Raisins 12 Per fr Q l SHEET SHEET BLANKETS nations The materials ma ma- p air are cretonne cre cre- ANGE 3 for Heavy cotton full bed LOSE tSE- Marshmallows FINISH damask k LUS as WOOL size CO tonne nn d a. a mas m p g 1St BLANKETS pair 2 98 linene En English g lis h 3 Sliced Boiled Ham Lb 55 Heavy Heavyweight weight in gray prints paints Nippon tan or plaid full bed FLANNELS AT crepes n o 11 t o 0 c F. F Finnan Innan H a es u i. Lb 23 size pair 1469 a 69 SPECIAL PRICES CES SALE broidered serges h hn hand an embroidered em em- Bl Blue ue Hill Ch Cheese eese 2 2 f for or 25 PLAID WOOL WOOL FINISH GENUINE AMOSKEAG 0 WHITE practical sa- sa ti Extra BLANKETS large size eize aize Sale prices yard yard yard- lines lines- Auerbach's Auerbach s Meat Dept Inch 4 lb Ib 3 3 4 2 z weight 1 19 LEAN BREAKFAST BACON Inch binding OS GO c I 3 C CIn pair I c COTTON CRIB IB AMOSKEAG g 1921 r 2 25 5 average per Ib lb l COLORED OUTING u BLANKETS FLANNEL T Bone T-Bone Steaks In la blue and pink each each- In both light and dark 20 Ib colors Sale price Sirloin Steaks Stem C 79 17 or yard rd I. I I. I Round Steaks Main Maln Auerbach's Main Floor Auerbach's Second Floor I i a 0 i I h d g O in their lunch for school I n B CHEESE I j II I I I I I I 01 BLUE 1 ThE STATE 1 WOMEN I II I ATTENTION Read this Remarkable T Regarding Results from T TWe Taking We carry cany a large l Lydia E. E Pinkham s Vege Vege 1 We have just received ship ship-fl le table Compound 1 stock of Velocipedes a ship shipment i coca Wagons ment of High Grade R Rugs of s. s I Norfolk Virginia If pon 11 P A s knew how many women and gir girls ls naj base the latest patterns designs and medicine medi med Kiddie I Ie K Kars ars D Dolls 0 II s taken your 9 cane b t cine by S Sandy an d y A Andy n d y Me Me- M Mechanical e- e colors Through a very fortunate for for- to sti o n y purchase able 1 r r s seem wonderful ts to we are Toys the r v II you Eve Every da del daj to offer t t and every chancel sate round year them to F h have I ft one BRING THE you at i M m June A J had liven given UP i KIDDIES TO w well weD I getting Size i i I W i t. t ever wrote Its ILL I SEE THEM that 1 Arab olio nd 12 r i Ii 1 you bi My j y r I I r r 3 tY I 1 went to the drug store and brought the Vegetable pound home to me In a few del days P and I have hav o 0 otas flea began be to improve taKen en it since since I am now pa Is d 6 aft Western stick throe through by h yit the it and Change am enjoying of Life and won wonder g s' s ful started health When I first started sha shadow FOR ONE PIECE OR A HOUSE FULL your medicines I was a be mere to gone My health seemed last last doctor I had said he would gt 4 g gme n ess essI i no more local treatments unIe me I I went to the hospital aa o oI opu That was when I gave e on n. n J I he healthy w ro- doctors Now I am a r I F up the b a a t td could conW I bust woman I wish I tolli tollif C tit S Shams Sham's med In I wonderful f world what a W CA m Lydia E. E k hams ham's j Vegetable i round d is r Mrs J A A. Jo Hey Avenue Norfolk Vi m mI mo o We have placed on special special 1 cial cia sale a Part Quick o Wool Bl Blanket Blanket of beautiful The Mahogany Enameled Safe Sale J t lJ Heater that heats Keats 5 or OP 6 rooms ful plaid design regular evenly Or op healthfully in in tho the R Relief e a Z- Z ze ie zeLet f h. h cold coldest st of weather price 6 95 I Let the coal it will I save buy it for fop you you on the Westerns Western's Western V es t em E C 0 NS Easy Credit Plan 4 7 I See them them in in our window In one minute minute or or lets the ieee-the the palo pale end S. S Special I Scholl Scholl's Zino pad pad U Is the saki sure lure bc U pecla treatment for corns corn At drug drua sad aDd I shoe t ilo I Ion t e Your Old OM Stove Taken Price p 0 oOs s 1 on Exchange u 1 r pads Zino-pads Zino 1 Put Pu on t R f j oat oae enra 1 f r 1 t I J J Rummage Sisterhood I Wednesday Oct 14 at 10 a a. m. m Beebe hall haU 20 So 3rd East Adv |