Show Grand Circuit Opens Seasons Season's Last Week ATLANTA Ga Oct 13 AP AP- AP I AP-I I Grand Circuit racing opened here yesterday ester ay as a feature of the I I fair with the running running running run run- t i ning of ot four events With the final j I r I races Friday the 1925 grand circuit circuit circuit cir cir- schedule will be ended following following following follow follow- ing appearances of ot ten other cities In the opening event the 2 15 class pace Lynette captured first honors in the three heats coming from third place on the last circuit to lead Alice Ward Yard second by a sulky length Braden Ruler in a field of ot four pacers won the three heats in the second race the special pace holdIng holding holding hold hold- ing the lead in each appearance without difficulty The third race the class pace brought forth the first real Teal competition of the day when Miss Czar Moko l nosed out Norman Grattan for first place in the third and deciding event George M. M was wasa a had bad third Grey Worthy was declared winner win win- ner of the fourth race the 2 09 class trot by defeating the only other ther entrant Frisco in two straight heats The losing racer was the only Atlanta entry of ot the day JY owne by owned by Walter Valter Candler well known sportsman I I |