Show ELKS BEHIND PLAN TO SAVE OLD IRONSIDES IRONSIDES' Stressing the need of or cooperation cooperation cooperation opera co tion in putting over Old Ironsides week from October 19 to 24 24 which is to save the old Id frigate Constitution t from being Junked t trough through an act passed by congress was the keynote of a a. a speech delivered to more than members embers of tho local Eke lk lodge No 85 85 who gat gathered I at the clubhouse Monday night tt by Past Grand Exalted Ruler James l U. U McFarland of or Watertown S. S D. D who two years ago dedicated the new Jew ev home of ot the Salt Lake lodge Mr McFarland arrived hero here Monday Monday Mon Mon- day from San Francisco where he was met by Exalted Ruler Russell G G. Lucas of or the local ol g-e g who accompanied d him here The two were met at the station by a delegation delegation dele dele- gation of past exalted rulers of the Salt Lake lodge Mr McFarland attended th the meeting of the California Call Call- fornia State ate Elks while In Los An An- geles Mr Air McFarland in addressing the members explained that it was only one of the good causes of Jf Elks lodge is taking up In Its efforts efforts ef lf ef- ef forts with countrywide support to save the Constitution He stated they will do It through the support of or the school children of the country coon coun try and urged that the local lodge enlist Its ts help from the e school schoolchildren hU fL 1 seS n children e 0 of Salt lt Lake e by sending sending- committee members numbering numbering- more than sixty-five sixty to the various schools of the city o o address them Mr McFarlane conferred with Superintendent G G. N. N Child of the public schools Tuesday morning In hopes of ot securing permission to send end delegates to the schools A banI banquet banquet ban ban- was also held In honor of Mr McFarlane prior to his talk taUt lie He I left for Omaha at 1 p. p m. m Tuesday |